Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Day In My Life

In high school, I spent most of my time in the library, not because I was a nerd or anything but I was fond of books and their knowledge. Ever since the divorce of my parents, I read books as a way to escape the cruel reality, sometimes it helped and other times it didn't but because I read a lot my writing skills were improved.

It was a Thursday afternoon and I had been stuck in the library to finish an essay response for my AP English which I told my teacher I would turn it by the end of day.Typically I didn't ask for extensions but there were times that I had to work very late and was not able to complete my assignments. But thankfully my teachers understood my situation and were able to give me an extension in my assignments. As I typed the last sentence, I felt someone hands on my face covering my eyes,
"I wonder who it could be." I knew it was my boyfriend but I just played along with him for the fun of it.He uncovered my eyes, “Hey, there you are.” I told him. He lean over and kissed me. “Are you ready to go?” he asked me. I gave him a special look, a look that I was not ready to leave yet.
          “Just give me 5 more minutes.” I told him.
          “I thought you finished the response last night.”
          “Well, I lied. Last night I was too tired from work to finish it, but I'm done now. I'm just making some final adjustments." I replied as I continued to type the rest of the conclusion.
          "Just turn it in like that, it's perfect." He started to massage my shoulders.
          "You know me, I'm a perfectionist." I smiled.
He stood there patiently while I finished the paper. Now that I think about, I felt that I wasn’t the girlfriend who he deserved; I would dedicate more time focusing on my school then giving my attention to him. One of the reasons that I felt like Ricardo was because I felt like I could always count on him, that he will always be there in the good and the bad times and even the days I would go crazy.
     "Okay, I'm done."
     "Finally, now we could go the movies." he smiled.
     "Let me go turn in the paper, meet you by your car." I said.
I walked over to Ms. Linda's classroom.
     "Come in Reyna."
     "Thank you for allowing me to turn in the paper late." I handled the paper.
     "I understand Reyna; you have a lot of things going on."
She glimpse over my paper,
     "Good analysis Reyna." She told me as she read through it.
     "You're a great writer."
I smiled.
      “Really?” I asked.
       “I’m sure of it, you should really think about majoring in English. Have you decided what school you’re going?” she asked me.
       “Not yet, I’m still doubting.” I replied.
I walked towards the exit,
     "I almost forgot we're you able to write the letter of recommendation for the     program." I said.
     "Oh yes, I did."
     "Thank you Ms. Linda."
I never thought of myself as a writer, especially a gifted one. One of the difficulties I had in school was writing, it took time to express my ideas without any grammar issues. And when teachers like Ms. Linda commented on my writing I was shocked because I never saw myself as a person who was good with words. I started to walked to Ricardo’s car when I spotted Diego coming the opposite direction, at this point of my relationship with Ricardo I felt no need to avoid Diego anymore. However, as I kept getting closer to him I turned around and change direction. I had no idea why I had just done that, as if I still had feelings for Diego. As I approached parking lot, I saw Ricardo talking to his ex-girlfriend Stephanie. Even thought that they ended in good terms, I felt it was a bit weird to be friends. Ever since he ended his relationship with her, I’ve noticed that they bonded more than they needed to. I’m not the jealous type but sometimes I felt like he was more comfortable with her compared to me.
       “Hey, I’m ready.” I told him.
       “Hey Reyna! I’m asking Ricardo if he wants to dance in my sister’s quince.”
       “Oh really? That’s great.” I lied, I didn’t want to seem rude in that time.
        “But he’s unsure about it.” She added.
I smiled.
        “Okay, I’ll do it.”
I wanted him to say no, but I felt that was selfish of me to ask him to do that. On the way to the theater, I wanted to tell Ricardo how I felt about him hanging out with Stephanie but I couldn’t get the words out of my mouth.
            “Are you okay?” he sense that something was wrong and he was right. He held my hand. “Yeah.” I smiled, pretending that nothing was bothering me. “Reyna, you know that I like you a lot… I mean a lot…” I smiled every time he started to compliment me and that’s why I like him, because with him I felt important and special.
           “Of course I do.” I responded.
           “I know we haven’t seen each other in the last few days but I just want you to know that I love you and don’t ever think I will leave you.”

TO BE CONTINUED.... Stay Tuned. :)

*** Just like I mention, I'm extending the story by adding dialogue, so from now on I will be adding other people's perspective in the narration. (Their text will be in color.)

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