Friday, April 25, 2014

Big News

One week had passed since the misunderstanding, and even thought things were not that easy with Diego, I had to keep my distance away from him not because of Ricardo but for me. I needed to get Diego out of my system and if I continued being his friend my feelings for him would have developed.

 Ricardo drove me home after our lunch date,
       "Do you want to come in?" I asked him.
       "I would but I have the dance rehearsal." he replied.
       "Oh, how is that going?" I asked him.
       "Great, I'm getting better. I need to get it right before next Saturday."
       "You'll do great." I open the car door.
Before I got out the car, Ricardo got my hand, "What happen?" I asked. "I love you Reyna." I smiled. I kissed him. "Yo tambien te quiero." I slowly got off the car and walked up to the gate; I look back and waved bye. Ever since he told me he loved me, I felt like I had to say it back but a part of me didn't want to because I didn't love him. But that didn't mean I didn't like him, I did and a lot, doesn't that count for something? We have been together for almost a year and I still couldn't figure out how I truly felt for him. Stupid right? Why continue with the relationship if I don't know how I felt for him? In high school, I was simply a teenage girl who could not make up her mind and followed what her head told her rather than her heart.

I walked into my house and as I walking up the stairs to my room, my mom called from her room, "Mija, something came for you." She rushed out the room, "I think it's something important." I grab the letter, OMG!. "Mom, its from the program that applied to." A few months ago, I had applied to New York University, for a summer program that allowed me to explore the life as a college student and even though I had made up for USC, I wanted the chance to travel and see the world outside of Los Angeles. I open the letter, "We are pleasure to inform you, Reyna Martinez..." I started to scream. "Que dice?" my mom asked me. "Mom, I got in." I could not believe it. I had my doubts about it because this program is a rigorous program and out of 1500 students who apply, they only accept 60. I wanted to cry, all my work and dedication to my work was paying off. I went up to my room to look over the rest of the packet, this can't be right. I told myself when I saw the departure date. May 29, 2011. I leave to New York in less than a month? I cannot believe this, I'm going to my miss my own graduation ceremony and grad night, two things that I was looking forward to. Now what?

"Karla!" Erika shouted. "What?" she came running from the kitchen. "What happen?" she asked. "You have a visitor." Karla walked outside, "Oh, hey what are you doing here?" she asked her friend Jesse. He stood up from the steps, "Just came by to see if you wanted to hangout tonight?" he asked. 
       "Sure, what do you have in mind?" she asked.
       "Karina and Jocelyn are having a small get together at their Karina's place."
        "Sounds fun let me ask Erika if she wants to come." Karla went back inside to ask her older sister if she wanted to join them. Jesse was one of Karla's best friends, but for Jesse, Karla was more than a friend but he knew he had no chance with her because she like someone else.
         "Jesse invited us to Kari's kick back, do you want to come?" Erika look at Jesse who was standing in the door, she knew she would be the third if she went, so she decided to say at home.
         "C'mon, you need some fun in your life." Karla told her.
         "I have a lot of homework, maybe next weekend."
         "You're no fun. Okay, I'll be home by 2."
Karla grab her jacket from the coat closet and left with Jesse.
I didn't know what to think at the point of my life. I had a decision of the life time, the opportunity to travel to NYU and spend a whole summer life as a college student or stay here and share one of the lifetimes moments such as Prom and Grad Night with Ricardo. I was confused and I just needed to see what Ricardo thought what should I do? I know a girl shouldn't depend her future because of a guy but I liked Ricardo a lot and his opinion counted as much as mine did.

Karla and Jesse arrived to the Karina's house, "Hey you guys made it. So the beer is on the cooler and anything stronger is on the table by the garage." Jocelyn said. Karla seemed to be intrigued by the game the guys where playing, so she got closer to watch,  "Can I play?" she asked. One of the guys who was next to her said, "Are you sure you have what it takes?" Karla laughed. "Well just tell me what to do and I'm sure I can do it." she said. The guy told her the rules while Jesse stood there watching her.
       "Hey Jesse." Jocelyn approached him. "Hey." Jesse turned around and took a seat in the couch and started talking to Jocelyn. "Are you sure you don't want a beer?" she asked. "I'm good, I'm the designated driver."
Karla grab the ball, and gave her best shot; the ball went in the cup and the guys just stared, "So what were you saying?" she said. "Beginners luck." Karla continued playing and by the end of the round she only had to drink twice while the other time had no cups left. "She's in my team." one of the guys from the other team said. "I think I know you." her beer pong partner told her. "Yeah I'm Karla, from your class." she smiled. Karla grab other beer and open it. "Really?" he asked. "Are you just stand there and ask me questions or you going to play?" the guy laughed.
After a few rounds, Jesse decided to stop her before she got drunk,
     "Karla, come on, let's sit down." Jesse got Karla by the waist.
     "I'll be back." she told the guys.
    "Where are you going?" Sergio, the guy who she had been playing all night, asked her.
    "Sitting down." she smiled.
After a long day,  I decided to treat myself with a long bath and a movie; it had been a while since I dedicated some alone time. As I was drying my hair, my phone started to ring, it was a call from Diego; I pressed ignore call, I didn't know what else to do for him to stop bothering me, I didn't want to cause anymore problems between Ricardo and I. I turned off my phone and put it away. I got some popcorn and put on a movie on. The rest of the night was perfect.
Sergio approached Karla, "Hey, can we talk?" Karla smiled, "Sure." Jesse grab her waist, "I'm okay." Karla told Jesse. "I'm just making sure." he replied. Jesse grab a beer from the cooler, "Wow." Karina joined him in the couch. "What?" he asked. "You really like her, huh?" Karina asked. "No..."
Karina grab the beer from his hands, "I know you Jesse and you don't drink." It was getting late, "Karla, let's go." Jesse told her, "Okay." Karla slowly walked towards Jesse, "Bye."
On the way home, "I had so much fun." Karla said. Jesse looked at her, "What is wrong?" Karla asked. "Nothing," he replied, Karla grab his hand, "You'll find her." Karla started to talk gibberish. Jesse laughed.

The next morning,
I heard noise coming from the kitchen, I grab my phone to check the time and it said 8 in the morning, who could it be at this hour, I thought. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and fix my hair, "Do you know what's going on?" I asked Daniel as he came out of his room. "I have no idea." I walked downstairs, as I turned to the living room I saw my friends sitting there, "Good morning." Lucy said, "What's going on?" I asked. "Well your mom called us last night and told us to come in this morning." Melissa told me. "Mom!" It was strange waking up from bed and finding myself in a room surrounded by my friends. I found my mom in the kitchen making what seem to be a brunch. A bowl of fruit, toast breaded, eggs, bacon, orange juice, were all set in the dinning table, "Mom what's going on?" I asked. "Well I invited your friends over." she smiled. "I know, but why?" I asked. "We need to celebrate your accomplishments and why not a brunch and plus you have news to tell them." I gave my mom a look, "Mom, really?" I had planned how I was going to break the news to my friends especially to Ricardo and speaking of Ricardo he was not here. I felt something touching me, I turned around, "Good morning babe." he kissed me. Oh great. I look horrible, "I'll be right back." Why did my mother do this to me? I mean, I appreciated the gesture but I was not ready.

While everyone was waiting for the brunch to start, Karla decided to do some exploring around the house. When no one was looking, Karla decided to go upstairs to Daniel's room, she knocked,
       "Hey Daniel." she opened the door, "Karla, hey."
        "Can I come in?"
Karla growing up had always had a thing for Reyna's older brother, Daniel; even though she knew she had no chances with him, she never gave up that one day he would fall in love with her.
        "Sure thing, how you been?" he asked.
        "Great, so how come you're not downstairs." she asked.
        "I'm not in a party mood."
        "Oh come on." she tried to convince Daniel, but nothing could convince him, "What's wrong?" she asked. Daniel glanced at Karla, "I  got fired from work yesterday."
        "My boss has been bitching about I'm always late work and it's not true."
        "So what did you do?" Karla asked.
        "Well let's say it's something that got me fired." he laughed.
Karla gave him a look, "Oh Daniel, so now what are you going to do?"
         "Find myself another job, what else can I do?"
         "True." Karla smiled.
After a while of talking, Karla felt she needed to go back downstairs; she got up and walked up to the door, "Hey, Karla, thanks for hearing me out. I just needed to tell someone about it." he smiled. In that moment, Karla felt special about what Daniel had just told her. Karla had good intentions but sometimes her actions were a bit extreme; everyone thought her feelings for Daniel were more like an obsession than real feelings.

10 minutes later, I went back down to the kitchen and everyone had settled themselves at the table, "Before we eat, I guess I have some news to give you guys." I began, I look over at Ricardo and smiled. "Remember the summer program that I applied to last fall, to study in NYU, well.... I got the letter yesterday and it said that... I got in!" Everybody started to congratulating me, then I added,"I have something else, I know most of you won't like this but I feel like I need to tell you now before the last minute. I'm leaving on May 29." As soon as I said that the room went silent.


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