Monday, April 21, 2014

A Plan Emerges

Reyna felt a little unsecured about herself because she wasn't the type of girl that Ricardo would usually go out with. Ever since, Stephanie and Ricardo broke up she felt like Ricardo had unsolved feelings for Stephanie especially how he has been talking a lot to her in the past few days.
     "What does he see in her?" Stephanie asked herself. Ever since Stephanie found out that Ricardo broke up with her because of Reyna, she had been thinking of ways to break them up.
     "Are you talking to yourself?" her friend Brenda surprised her.
     "No... do you know what I hate the most? she asked Brenda as they walked to the front gate.
     "That I have to tolerate Reyna."
     "Not again, when are you going to let it go. It's been, 9 months."
     "I don't want Ricardo back but I want to get revenge for what she did to me."
Stephanie had a hard time letting things go and the break up with Ricardo was one of them. While Stephanie was planning her revenge on Reyna, Brenda had a plan of her own and it involved the help of Stephanie and Diego. Brenda didn't like Reyna; she envied her since the time she got the free trip to Spain in middle school. She thought that Reyna had it all, perfect friends, perfect grades, and even a perfect boyfriend and she wanted to ruin her chances to become the class valedictorian and her relationship with Ricardo. For the past several weeks she had been planning a way to get Reyna out of way and using Stephanie and Diego as allies she was going to succeed.
     "I think I know who could help us." Brenda said.
     "Turn around."
Diego walked by passed them.
     "Hey Diego!"
     "Hey Stephanie. Hey Brenda, what's up?"  
     "Diego, we need your help."
      "Sure, what is it?"
     "We want you to get close to Reyna and make her realize that she still has feelings for you."
Diego smiled.
     "I don't know."
     "Diego, I know you still care for her. This is your chance to get her back." Brenda added.
Diego looked unsure about coming in between Reyna and her boyfriend, he felt bad enough what happen between them. But Brenda was right, Diego still cared for her and if it meant to get getting her back, he would do it.
    "Why are you doing this?" Diego asked.
But neither Brenda nor Stephanie answered. 
Later that night, after the movies Ricardo drove me back home, “Babe I need to tell you something.” He parked the car in the drive way, he grab my hands and looked into my eyes, “What is it?” I asked. There was a pause, “I love you.” My eyes widen, did he just say that he loved me, my reaction was speechless and I just smiled. We’ve been together for 9 months but I felt I was not ready to say it back.
 I open the car door, and said, “Well, see you tomorrow.” I got off the car quickly as possible. I didn’t know what to say to him. “Hey, wait.” He grab my hand before I entered the gate. I turned around, “What’s wrong?” He grab my hands, “See you tomorrow.” I kissed him and walked away. I walked in to my house,
               “Reyna, is that you?” my mom called me out from the kitchen. I laid my things on the couch and went to see what she wanted.
               “Hey mom.”
               “A big package came for you.”
When I saw where the letter came from I started to get excited,
               “Open it.”
It was strange, usually I would be notified by email if I got in but in this case it must be special. I started to read the letter,
                “Que dice?” my mom asked.
               “I got in!” I screamed with excitement.
Besides UCLA, I had my dreams set on the beautiful campus of USC however I made the mistake of choosing the wrong school. With the excitement of my acceptance to USC, I had forgotten what happen with Ricardo.
               “Congrats mija. You see.”
I smiled and gave my mom a big hug. My dreams were finally coming to reality, that’s what I thought back then, until I realize that I had a decision to make between two schools. A decision that would determine what path in life I would take. I had my doubts when I turned in my application to USC, I thought why would a private school would accept a girl like me? As I held the letter in my hands, I realized that I was capable of anything if I put my mind into it.






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