Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Falling Apart PT.1

In that moment of my life, I was unsure of a lot of things but I was sure that I wanted to go to USC and if that meant losing my relationship, so be it. If I never had broken the promised I myself that day I would not have gone through what I did that day. I was not going to let Ricardo's behavior affect my decision.

That afternoon, he dropped me off at my house, "See you tonight." I asked him. He looked at me and then looked away, I got off the car and soon I close the door he droved away. I honestly did not expect for Ricardo to react the way he did. As I got ready for my shift at the supermarket, I received a text, I was hoping it was from Ricardo but it was from Lucy. I replied and went off to work. The rest of the afternoon I was hoping that Ricardo would come into his senses and understand my doubts.
It was not fair to react the way he did, instead of understanding and having his support, he seemed to be bothered by the idea of me going to USC. I liked Ricardo a lot, but I felt like he wanted things to go his way.
        "Are you okay?" my co-worker Maria asked.
        "Yeah, I'm just a bit distracted." I smiled.
I tried to keep my mind focus on attending the customers but it was difficult.
As Reyna was trying to maintain on her mind on task, Ricardo was also had a difficult time in memorizing the routine. Stephanie's sister had been practicing for months and Ricardo only had two weeks to get the dance routine right.
         "Ricardo, are you okay?" Stephanie asked him.
         "No, I'm sorry."
         "It's okay, what's wrong?"
Stephanie grab two bottles from the table and gave one to Ricardo, "Thanks." Stephanie next close to him, "What happen?" she asked. Ricardo told her everything that was bothering him regarding Reyna and if he overacted over the news of USC. As he was talking, Stephanie smiled because little by little she was getting closer to Ricardo.
       "I think you should go talk to her." she suggested.
       "I think you're right. Stephanie thanks." he stood up and gave her a hug. He immediately rushed to his car and drove to the supermarket.
Phew, time for my break. I told myself, I grab my apple and a bottled water and went outside to get some fresh air.
I turned around, it was Diego,
       "Hi Diego."
       "So hey, can we talk now?"
       "Sure." I took a bit from my apple.
        "I have something to tell you."
I looked at him, Diego took my right hand and said, "Reyna, I'm still in love with you." My face was in a complete shock. He slowly lean over and kissed my lips, and unintentionally I responded the kiss. After about 10 seconds I pulled away and slapped him. "Diego, never do that again." I stood up from the bench and went back in to work. What the hell was his problem? Does nobody respect me?  I was so frustrated with Ricardo and Diego, I felt like if I wanted to explode.
       "Reyna, where were you? Ricardo just came by looking for you." Maria told me as I settled back  to the cashier post.
       "What? Did he say? What he want?" I asked her.
       "No, but he told me to tell you he'll be at your house later."
I started to freak out.
Ricardo walked back to his car in hoping to run into her, as he open his car he glanced by the entrance of the door two people kissing. He close the door and walked over a little bit closer to see who it was, it was Diego and Reyna. "What the hell?" He wanted to stormed in and demand an explanation but he decided not to and left. As he drove way, he thought about what he had seen, he could not believe it, Reyna and Diego. It's not possible. He didn't want to believe it, perhaps its a misunderstanding, he told himself. He drove back to Stephanie's place. Meanwhile, Diego smiled, he knew that Reyna still had feelings for him and now more than ever he wasn't going to let her go. 
Ricardo walked back in the house, "You're back so soon, what happen?" she asked. Ricardo grab a beer from the fridge. "I don't want to talk about it." He sat down in front of the television. Stephanie walked over and turn it off.
           "Tell me."
           "I saw her kissing Diego."
Stephanie tried not to smile, she sat next to Ricardo,
           "Maybe she still has feelings for him." Stephanie said.
          "But I don't get why she didn't tell me instead of sneaking off behind my back."
Ricardo took a sip from the beer,
          "Maybe it's not what it looks like, maybe its a misunderstanding, did you let talk?"
         "No, I just left."
         "Well maybe I think you should find out for yourself. Just go talk to her."
Diego approached me as I clocked out,"Reyna, I'm sorry. I should not kissed you." I looked away. The weird thing is that I was not mad at him for kissing me, I kind of enjoyed the kiss but I could not let him now that. "You need to understand how miserable I am whenever I see you with Ricardo. I know I screwed things up and I know that I will never be able to make it up to you but I am truly sorry." In my mind, everything that Diego was telling me was a load of crap but my heart told me that he was being sincere. "Diego..." I didn't know what to respond. "It's okay, but at least can I give you a ride back home?" I smiled.

We were parked in front of my house, "Thanks for the ride Diego." I open the car door, "No problem." he replied. I got off the car, I looked back and smiled. As I open the front gate, I saw him walking over towards me, "What happen?" I asked. "I'm sorry Reyna, I can't." Diego grab me by the waist and pulled me towards him and started kissing me. Just for a few seconds I was attracted to him but then I just pulled away and this time I didn't slap him. "Diego." He started to back away, "I'm not sorry, I love you and I'm going to fight for you, no matter what." Then he left. I could not believe that any of this happening.

10 minutes later,
       "Reyna someone is at the door for you." I drop my phone in my bed and walked down stairs. As I reached down end of the stairs, I see him sitting down in the couch, it was Ricardo. I walked in the living room,
I knew that by the look on his face, this wasn't a friendly visit,
       "What's going on between you and Diego?"
It was truth, there was nothing between Diego and I, and if there was I would directly talk to him about it but I don't know why he was so assertive. "What do you mean nothing." he started to raise his voice at me, "I saw you kissing him twice today." My eyes widen, my palms got sweaty and my hands began to shake. "You have to believe me, it was nothing. Diego was the one who kissed me."
I slapped him, he had gotten out of control. I wasn't going to let him disrespect me like this and if he didn't trust me that was his problem and not mine. My mother came in the room, "What's going on?" she asked. "Ricardo was just leaving." I said. Ricardo left and I went up to my room crying, my relationship with Ricardo was falling apart. I didn't recognized Ricardo anymore, his jealously, his trust issues and the lack of support and understanding I felt he was no longer the guy who I fell for.
I didn't want to break up with him, but if he didn't come to his senses and soon, I would have no choice but to end the relationship. I could not have him ruin the last couple of weeks of school with his little scenes.

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