Saturday, May 24, 2014

Caught Part. 1

Thursday Morning

My alarm must have rung 5 times before I decided to get up. Last night’s phone call with Ricardo really got me thinking about what type of guy I was dating. The attitude he had been showing to me has proven that he's immature and doesn't deserve to be in a relationship. Despite his behavior towards me, there was a part of me that I could not ignore and that part that I was in love with him. I tried to be annoyed by him but my affection towards him it didn't allow me to be furious. After several seconds of stalling, I finally decided to get up from bed, and I walked over to the mirror and began brushing my hair.  As I brushed , I suddenly started thinking about Diego and what he had told me a few days ago. Reyna, I will always be here.  I stopped brushing my hair and step back for a minute. Why am I thinking about Diego? I asked myself. My high school life was full of drama, just like those shows that come out on television. I never asked to be in this place, in the contrary I told myself millions of times that I didn't want to have a boyfriend because of it's complications. 

As Lucy gathered her belongings for school, she walked passed Ian’s room and realized that he was still in his bed, Oh, no. Ian. Lucy had forgotten Ian’s suspension, she immediately went in the room to wake him up. “Ian, you need to wake up. Mom and Dad can’t know that you’re suspended.” Lucy grab Ian's uniform from the closet.“I don’t care. Lulu they don’t care about us, why should I worry?”“Ian, trust me, come on. I’m taking you to Tia Elena.” Lucy looked at the time it was 7:45am, she knew that if she missed school her friends would suspect something. “Hurry, I’m going to start the car.” Lucy grab a pop tart from the cabinet and went outside to start her car. “Where is your backpack?” she asked her brother. Ian rushed back in to  get his things. Lucy kept looking at her phone. “Lulu, are you okay?” her brother asked her. Lucy was trying to remain calm, “I’m okay.” She smiled.That morning as I ate my breakfast that my mom had made, I thought about the millions of things I had to do, business project for economics, prep myself for my AP exams, Spanish report and I thought to myself, I had no time to waste. Even though I love Ricardo, I could not let this behavior bother me, I had other important things to focus on. I finished my bacon and eggs and cleared out the plate and placed it in the sink. "Mom do you need help cleaning up?” I asked her. She looked over to the clock, “Mija, it’s getting late. I think you should go, I’m good here.” She replied. “Are you sure? I could be late.” She gave me a look. “I’m sure and no you cannot. Are you avoiding someone?” she asked me. Before I had the chance to answer the phone had rung and I just left. 

 I had arrived at school at 7:50 am , just 10 minutes later than my usual time; my mom was right, I wanted to avoided someone, Ricardo. I need distance. I told myself to prevent me to approach Ricardo, the less drama I had in my life the more time I had to focus on things that were actually important. And if I happen to bump into him I would simply just walk passed by without a smile or a "hey." And if he wanted to talk, it would be on my own terms which meant he would have to come to me and not the other way around. Ricardo needed to be upfront about his daily outings with a certain ex of his and apologize for his behavior, if and only he were to do that I was willing to forgive him. However if he simply chooses to ignore the problem I would have to take the necessary measures and break up with him. I walked by the quad to get to my classroom, and as I walked, I glance for a second at Ricardo as I passed at his usual hangout and then I looked away pretending that I didn't care he was standing there. Before I could turn the corner to get to my class, I heard my name and I smiled. I turned around, "Oh, hey, it's only you Diego." 

-Lucía, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí, no tienes que estar en la escuela ya?
-Sí, pero yo quería saber si podía hacerse cargo de Ian. Él fue suspendido de la escuela.
Tia Elena saw Ian sitting in the car using his PSP. 
-Me gustaría poder ayudarle cariño, pero tengo que trabajar hoy.
-Yo lo sabía, pero gracias de todos modos.
Lucy walked out her aunt's house with a disappointed face, she knew that she had to missed school today. "What happen?" Ian asked her. "She has work today." Lucy turned on the car. "I guess I have to take care of you today."  "I'm sorry." he responded. Lucy thought about the places she could take her brother to, "Where are we going?" he asked her as she turn on the car. "I have to punish you some way. So we're going to the library." "What! No way."

"Hello to you too." he smiled. "I'm sorry, I thought you were Ricardo." I told him. "Oh." Diego didn't know what to say. "Yeah, so what happen?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, about the project. I don't understand what our mission is?"In that precise moment, I noticed that Ricardo was looking at me talking to Diego. "That project right, Diego, I think we should continue working on the project together. You should come over to the house later to finish the project."  I asked him not realizing that I was only inviting him to pissed Ricardo off. Diego gave me a weird look, then he turns around and sees Ricardo starting at us. "Reyna, is everything okay between you two? I don't want to get in the middle.""Just go talk to her." Luis told Ricardo. Ricardo could not get his eyes off from Reyna and Diego. "There is something there. I just know it." he told his friends. "Not this again." Luis had enough of this jealously rage from Ricardo. "Both of you are so stubborn, neither of you are going to step up." Ricardo ignored what Luis had said. "They were made for each other." Raul added. "I don;t know what to say." Ricardo expressed his insecurities to his friends. "Just be honest with her and tell her about Stephanie and hope she understands." Luis said. "What about me?" Stephanie joined in the conversation. Luis and Raul left. "What is their problem?" she asked Ricardo. "I have no idea. Stephanie, should I go to talk to her?" "If you really love her, I think you should." she responded. It was isn't easy for her to say what she did because she didn't like Reyna. "What if you're right, what if we weren't meant for each other. I think I should just let her go." "Ricardo, trust me, after last night you deserve to be happy and if she makes you happy, you should do everything to fix things. Even if it means dealing with Diego." 

"Diego, don't worry about Ricardo. It's over." I smiled. I tried not to cry but a tear manage to escape from my eye, "What?" Diego followed me as I walked to class. "I don't want to talk about it." I told him. Diego tried to be the supported friend but as he listen to Reyna talk  but he realized that he couldn't be that friend that she needed. "I think you should talk to him." But before Reyna could answer, Ricardo pulled her away from Diego. "What is your problem?" I asked him as I let myself go from him. "Can we talk?"he asked me. The bell had rung. "Is this the only way I could get your attention, by you watching me talk to Diego? Ricardo, you're pathetic." I didn't want to get caught talking with him, "Let me go." His hand was still holding to my right arm. "Please. Ricardo." Then he finally let me go. I didn't want to talk to him after what he did to me but I could not avoid what I was about to say next. "Let's talk in lunch." I gradually walked to my seat, "What happen? Are you okay?" Diego asked me as I sat next to him. "I will be." I took out my notebook and my pen from my bag. I didn't want to think about it anymore. Ricardo didn't realize how he was behaving until he saw the way Reyna was looking at him. He knew it was his fault that their relationship was in a bad shape and the reason why Reyna was distancing herself from him. "Don't think so hard, it's just a simple question." Andrea told him. "Oh, no. I'm not thinking about that." he responded. "Oh, it must be Reyna, huh?" she smiled. Andrea and Ricardo were neighbors and practically grew up together but ever since they entered high school they each went their separate ways. Ricardo smiled. 

Over a week ago I arranged with my fellow AP physics classmates an extra hour of study for my physics exam, so after an hour of lecture in my economics class I excused myself from class. "Where are you going?" Diego asked me. "Study date." I smiled and walked out. As I made my way to my physics class I passed by Ricardo's pre-calculus class. I glanced inside the classroom and there he was sitting by the door working with his group. In those 5 seconds that I saw him I asked myself if I should give our relationship another try and even though our relationship was not over I had doubts about maintaining it. However, those 5 seconds showed me how focus and determined he was.
At that point of my life, I didn't want to loose focus on my studies but as you may have figured out, my weakness is love and my relationship with Ricardo felt under that category. As I walked into my class I left my thoughts about Ricardo behind and focus on passing my exam. Ms. Andrews decided to do something different for today's class. Karla was serious about not talking to Sergio again, it didn't matter how many times Sergio tried to talk to her, she did the impossible to avoid him. “Are you seriously not going to talk to me?” Karla turned around to talk to Stacy who was sitting across from her. Ms. Andrews began assigning lab partners, “Karla and Sergio you’re partners.”she said. "Oh, great." Karla said. "Ms. Rodriguez is there a problem?" Ms. Andrews asked her. Karla looked over at Sergio, she wanted to say Yes but she didn't want to make it a big deal so she didn't say anything. Karla faced Sergio, "Well, let's get started." After an hour of intense study, I felt a bit more confident about the exam even though my brain felt it was going to collapse." “I think my brain is going to explode.” I told Araceli. "I know what you mean. I'm starting to have a headache."she said. "Hey, we should have another study session on Saturday and then Sunday for Calculus.” Fernando added. We all look at each other, "Sounds like a great idea." I said. They all gave me a look, "What?" I asked. "You finally have time to study with us again?" Andres asked. "Ignore him. You're welcome to join us." Araceli told me. "Well, we're meeting at the same Starbucks as usual." he said. 

The bell had rung, we all gathered our belongings and made our way to AP Calculus. The thing about taking AP classes, you tend to have same classmates and in this case was no different, for example I had Araceli for AP English, AP Physics and AP Calculus. I could not stop smiling and I didn't know why. “Are you okay?” Araceli asked me. “Yeah, I’m good. I just missed studying with you guys.” I responded. “We missed you too, how come you stop coming by the study sessions?” “I got busy.” I replied. “Ricardo, huh?” she asked. She was right, ever since I got into a relationship with Ricardo I slowly stop attending the study sessions that my classmates organized. Back then, I had school, work and after school activities that study sessions were too much so by January I stop going. “You don’t have to hide it. Ricardo and you make a cute couple.” She said. “Yeah…” I wanted to say, we were, but I didn't want talk about it. From far away, Ricardo glimpse at Reyna as she walked with her friends to her next class, he realize by her expression how relax and happy she seemed to be. It had been a while since he had seen her so happy, and wondered what happen?

Karina had decided to tell Alfredo the truth but what she didn't know was that he was about to find out the truth. Karina and Melissa were on their way to their English class, “Karina, by the way, were you able to tell Alfredo the truth?” Melissa asked Karina. But before Karina had the chance to respond, she stared blankly into the classroom to realize who was sitting next to the teacher. “Karina, hello. Are you okay?” Melissa tried to figured out why Karina went into shock. After a few seconds in shock mode, Karina turned around to face Karina. “Is that…” Melissa finally figured out the reason into Karina’s sudden reaction. “Alfredo, yes.” Karina started to panic. “What are you going to do?” Melissa asked her. “I don’t know but I know that I cannot go in there.” She responded. “You have to, we have an in-class essay.” Melissa said. “I know!” Karina tried not to stress out more than she needed to. The second bell had rung, “Make your decision quick, I’m going in.” Karina had to make a decision and quick. She knew she had to face the consequences; Karina took a deep breath and walked in the class. Karina and Melissa gave each other looks.As I walked in to my AP Calculus class, I realize that that the next time I’ll be in this room will be when I take my exam. I stare at the white board and just started thinking about how I've wasted the last couple of weeks worried about Ricardo that I forgot to worry about me and my future. I should be happy that I’m leaving to New York City in a couple of weeks and I should be giving my strength and energy to these exams. I lost my way. I left my job because I wanted to focus more time with Ricardo and my friends but I know I should have been more dedicated to my studies. I guess, I’m happy that my relationship with Ricardo is over, it hurt to think that way.“Good Morning class, today we have a special guest in our class. His name is Alfredo Lopez and he’s a college student and he’ll be staying with us for the rest of the school year.” Like Karina’s life could not get any worst.  “Is he looking?” Karina whispered to Melissa. “No.” Karina tried not to stare at Alfredo. She knew any minute now he would find out the truth and it was her fault for not telling him the truth earlier. Karina looked over at the other girls who were looking at him, “Melissa, do you see how the other girls are looking at him?”“I know, he’s not even that cute.” Melissa responded. Karina gave her a look. “I forgot to tell you something…” “I slept with him.” Karina said. “What!” Melissa screamed. “Karina and Melissa stop talking.” Mr. Scott put them on spot. Everyone was looking at them, including Alfredo who caught a glimpse of Karina. No, that can’t be Karina. He thought. After the commotion was over, Mr. Scott continued talking, “Mr. Lopez can you introduce yourself to the class.” Alfredo could not get his eyes off from Karina. “Oh yes, I just graduated from CSU Los Angeles with a Bachelors in English. I’m working on my teaching credential.” Karina tried to make eye contact with Alfredo but when their eyes met, Alfredo looked away. “Okay, let’s get started with the in-class essay.” Mr. Scott started to give out the essay topic. “You have exactly 1 hour.”

Araceli and I sat next to each other, “Has your mom noticed about your relationship with Andres?” I asked her. “No, it’s getting difficult to hide it.” She responded. Araceli’s parents didn't allow her to have a relationship. Their priority for them was for her to graduate college with top honors. 
“How long have you been with Andres, anyway?” I asked. I begin to ask random questions preventing her in asking questions about Ricardo. “3 years.”I thought about how could they last so long together then I thought, they both shared the same goals and they both challenged themselves to do better. As Reyna tried to find ways to distract herself from making a decision, Karina had to stop thinking about her dilemma with Alfredo. She kept glancing at the clock every 5 minutes trying to get her mind off Alfredo but she could not stop staring at him. I need to finish this. She told herself this several times until the teacher called time. Oh no, I didn’t finish. She said. “Are you okay?” Melissa asked her. Karina continued to work on the essay but the teacher was standing in front of her ask, "May I get your test?" Karina looked up. The lunch bell had rung, and Karina gave the paper to the teacher. “Oh great, I failed.” She told Melissa.The lunch bell had rung, as I walked out the class I saw Ricardo waiting for me a few feet away from my class. “Well, see you tomorrow.” I told Fernando, Araceli and Andres. “Let us know if for sure for the weekend.” Andres told me. “For sure.” I slowly walked towards to Ricardo. “What was that about?” he asked me. “Well, they want to have study sessions this weekend for the AP exams.” As I said that, I saw his face expression changed from a happy smile to a frown, “Are you okay?” I asked him. “Yeah, I just wanted to spend time with you but it’s okay.” I know that it wasn't okay for him.While Karina had a problem on her hands, “What are you going to do?” Melissa asked Karina. “Well, I’m going to talk to him. What else can I do? I can’t avoid him.” Karina put on her brave face and walked towards Alfredo but as she was making her way to see him, she thought about what was she going to say and in that moment she turned around and left. “What happen?” Melissa asked. “I freaked out, I’ll talk to him tomorrow.” Karina responded. Melissa’s eyes widen when Karina was talking. “Melissa what’s wrong?” Karina asked. “He’s right behind you.” Karina turned around and saw Alfredo standing in front of her. “I’ll catch up with you later amiga.” Melissa left.

Karla, Gabby and Jesse were in the cafeteria talking, “Hey, how come you’re not hanging out with Sergio? I’m surprise that you’re not with him.” Jesse asked Karla. Gabby gave a specific look to Karla, “Well, the truth is that I've been such a bad friend to you Jesse. I know we haven’t hung out for a while.” She said. “Tell him the truth.” Gabby said. “What happen?” Jesse asked. “That’s the truth.” Karla insisted. “There is something that you’re not telling him. Jesse doesn't mind talking about Sergio, or do you?” Gabby asked Jesse. “No, I don’t.” He lied. “Fine, I will tell him like you don’t want to. Karla decided not to hang out with Sergio anymore.” Jesse stared at Karla and tried not to smile, “How come?” he asked as if he cared for what the reason was. “Just because of those stupid rumors that they are dating.” Gabby added. “Rumors that aren't true. Can we stop talking about him?” Karla said. “I think she likes him that’s why she’s avoiding him.” Gabby said. “Do you like him?” Jesse asked Karla. Karla stood up from the table and walked away. “You see.” Gabby told Jesse.

Ricardo and I walked over to the picnic table that was isolated from the quad, “Hey.” Ricardo reached for my hand, “Hey.” I smiled. “What’s going on between us?” he asked me. “I’m asking myself the same question.” I told him. The moment he had held my hand, I felt the connection when we first started dating, the butterflies in the stomach effect. What was happening? I thought. “Are you okay?” he asked me. I looked him in the eyes, something that I haven’t been able to do for several weeks, before I could say something, “Reyna, I want apologize for last night. I should have not gone out with Stephanie. I knew it was wrong and I still went. It just kills me that you can’t be honest with me.” Ricardo kept holding to my hands. “I know, it hasn't been easy for you for me to just focus on school. I also want to apologize for not telling you the truth about leaving and about encounters with Diego. You know the only reason I’m talking to him is for the economics project, you should not be worried about anything.” When I told them that, I knew that I wasn't telling him the whole truth; the truth there might be unsolved feelings for Diego.Ricardo could not ask the question; the question that he was too afraid to ask. If Reyna had unsolved feelings for Diego?” He knew that there was something that Reyna was not telling but he didn't want to push it. Finally Ricardo decided to ask something, “Are you sure, you still want to be with me?” He asked. Reyna hesitated in answering the question, even though she was confused about she felt for Ricardo, she decided to keep her relationship with him. “Yes, I’m sure.” 

Karina and Alfredo were in the classroom, “I don’t think it’s a good idea that we should be alone in here.” Karina said. Alfredo stared blankly at Karina. Nearly 10 minutes had passed, neither of them hadn't said single word. Karina walked towards the door and before she could turn the doorknob, Alfredo stood up from the desk and asked, “Why didn't you tell me the truth?” Karina stop before she open the door and turned to face to him, “I didn't want you to know that I was still in high school.” She replied. “You know that I could get in trouble for dating a minor.” He replied. “I’m not a minor. I’m 18." Karina tried to defend herself but it seem to backfire. “That doesn't even matter now, you lied to me.” Alfredo was starting to raise his voice at Karina.“I know and I’m sorry. I was going to tell you yesterday but you had already left.”“Why didn't you tell me when we met?” he asked. “I don’t know, I thought we had something going on and I felt if you knew how old I was, you were going to freak out and leave.” Karina tried to save what was left of their conversation. “I should walk away.” He responded. “But I’m not. I work here and I need this job so from now on, you and I are teacher-student only, okay?”“Alfredo.”she said.“From now on, call me Mr. Lopez. Can you leave, I need to make a phone call?”Karina opened the classroom door and walked out.

“Hey, are you okay?” Jesse found Karla behind the trees by her English class. “Jesse, you’re my best friend and frankly I think the only person who I could be honest with. Can I tell you something?” she asked. “You like Sergio.” He said. “How…?” she asked. “I know you Karla, I see how your eyes brighten whenever you talk about him.” Jesse tried to be the supported friend that he was, but it was killing him to know that the girl who he was in love with had feelings for someone else. Karla smiled. “Is it that obvious?” she asked. “Yeah, I think that’s why people kept suggesting if you two were a couple.” Jesse said. “Oh, but I can’t do anything about it.” Karla said. “You’re afraid of getting hurt and like Sergio is a graduating senior and if you start something with him, it won’t work out.”“Wow, you know me so well. I should date you instead.” She smiled.“What do you want to do now?” he asked me. I look at my phone, lunch was almost over. “Do you have to go to your last class?” I asked him. “Well, not really, why?" he replied. I gave him a look, “Let’s get out of campus.” I said.
“Are you serious?” he asked me.“Yeah, why not? Something spontaneous.” I smiled.We rushed to his car and left. I realized that I've never done anything spontaneous so I've decided to do something that I don't typically do. “Karina, what happen?” Melissa asked her as she approached the table, “We broke up.” She responded. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Melissa said. “It’s okay. So where’s everyone else at?” Karina said, “Well Reyna texted she was going to be with Ricardo and Lucy I have no idea. I don’t think she came to school today.” Melissa responded. “Really? Lucy? She never missed school since elementary school.” 

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