Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Friend Lucy

Back in high school, I had a lot of friends but a lot of them were like Lucia aka. Lulu; Lulu and I were like sisters, we would tell each other everything (not everything apparently, but I'll get to that later on), we would protect one another. In this post, I will write a little about her life and how she tried to overcome her challenges. I never thought she had hardships in her family; I thought she was one of those lucky girls who didn't have to worry about any problems, but I was wrong. It was until my second year of college when she passed away due to internal bleeding that her dad had caused her. 

Dedicated to: Lucia Gonzales (1993-2013)

I had excused myself from Spanish class, I needed distraction from Ricardo, Diego and my friends; I just needed a few minutes alone to focus on my school work. "Good Afternoon Ms. Gomez." I greeted the librarian, the one person who knew me well and how dedicated I was in my studies.
"How are you Reyna?" she asked me. "Stress out." I smiled. The second bell had rung, "Well, should we meet there or what?" Stephanie asked Ricardo before each of them headed to class. "Well if you want I could pick you up?" he offered. "Yeah, that's sounds great." she smiled. "Are you sure that Oscar won't mind?" he asked. "No." The thing was that Stephanie didn't tell Oscar that she was going to El Rodeo with Ricardo. "Okay then, see you tonight." Ricardo walked away. I stared at the empty word document for several minutes then I began to type the title of would be my last lab report for my Physics class. I never imagined I would not participate in my own end of the year festivities (Prom, Gradnight and Graduation). I felt a tear drop in my face, I cannot be sentimental right now, I still have two weeks to go. I look over at my notes and started to compose my lab report.

While Reyna was working on her lab report, Diego had excused himself from class to go the restroom but actually he was going to the library. "Reyna, can you come here for a second?" Ms. Gomez had called Reyna to the back room. Reyna stood up and walked over to the room while Diego sneaked into the library; he made sure that no one was looking at him. He pulled a red rose that he cut from the roses that were in display in the school's garden. He heard Reyna's voice, he quickly drop the rose next to her lab notes and left the library. What is this? I told myself when I saw the red rose. I looked around to see who may have left it there. I picked up the rose and smell it; the rose smell nice. Could it be? No, I don't think. I thought to myself. It could not be Diego, so it must have been Ricardo. I smiled. But how? I thought. I placed the rose next to the computer screen so I can admire it. For a second, I thought Ricardo had been avoiding me but now I know he hasn't; this rose shows me that he still cares.

It was the middle of class when Stephanie tried to excuse herself from class, "Stephanie, you can't go until Diego comes back." Mr. Gonzales told her. Stephanie sat back down and waited for Diego to return. Brenda had a short encounter with Diego as he came out from the library, "Diego, what were you doing at the library?" Diego walked passed Brenda. Brenda took a peak in the library. Brenda tried to catch up with Diego, "I knew you still cared for her." Diego stopped and turn to face Brenda. "What do you want?" he demanded her. "Don't be like that. You know deep down you want her and I want to help you to get what you want." Brenda told him. Diego gave her an angry look. "Whatever, I just can't wait until this is over." Diego walked away. 

Minutes later, Stephanie and Brenda reunite in the girls restroom. "How is everything with Ricardo?” Brenda asked Stephanie. “He’s disappointed at Reyna for hiding the fact she’s been hanging out with Diego. He’s actually thinking about breaking up with her.” Stephanie told Brenda. “That’s great, right?” Stephanie added. “Yeah, but I think we should cause permanent damage. Like something like neither of them can forgive from each other.” Brenda suggested. “Oh, I like that. What are you thinking of?” Stephanie asked. Brenda and Stephanie continued talking for 5 minutes before the teachers got suspicious. Done! I completed my last lab report in my high school career; I felt relieved but also sad because my senior year in this school is coming to an end. I collected the paper from the printer, I stared at my lab report and I started to tear up again. What is happening to me? I thought. I reallocated myself to the table to study for my AP exams next week. I open my study guide and I see a note from Ricardo.
Hey Sweetheart, I just want you to know that I'm proud of you and even though we don't spend time together, I want you to know that it's okay. I wish you luck studying for AP exams and hopefully by then we could spend every second together. I love you. - Ricardo
I smiled. How long has this letter been here? I asked myself. I smiled and continued studying.
"Lucia." Mr. Wesley called her several times but Lucy was busy thinking about something else. "Lulu." Silvia called her, "What happen?" she responded. "Lucia, are you okay?" Mr. Wesley asked her. "Yeah, of course." she lied. In the last few days, Lucy has been distracted with family problems, her parents had been fighting, her dad's drinking problem and her boyfriend passing away; Lucy hasn't been herself. She hid her feelings very well from people, she was the only one among her friends that didn't like talking about her personal life especially her family. She preferred engaging herself in other people's problems rather than confronting her own. The only person who knew what was going on her in family was her best friend and boyfriend Ethan. However, since his passing a few months ago, Lucy hasn't been the same; she felt a little of piece of her was missing. She tried to hide her feelings in the past months but she couldn't hold it anymore. 

The last bell had rung; Lucy got her bag and rushed out of class before the teacher had dismissed the class. “Lulu, are you okay?” Silvia rushed after her. “Yeah of course.” Lucy lied. “Well it seem like you were distracted in class today.” Silvia commented. “Yeah I just have a lot in my mind. Silvia, do you think we could talk later I have to go pick up my brother from school.” Lucy left Silvia in the middle of the hallway. “See you tomorrow Ms. Gomez.” I rushed out the library to meet Ricardo by his car. Before I could get to the parking lot I received a text from him saying Babe, I can’t meet up with today but tomorrow for sure, I promise. - Ricardo. Now what? I thought. Ricardo thought he needed a bit of time away from Reyna. He thought if he gave her space and everything would clear up. So instead of meeting up with her, he made an excuse that he had something important to do. Instead he was field with his friends, “Hey we’re thinking of starting a new team when we graduate, are you in?” Raul asked Ricardo. “Of course, I’m down.” Ricardo stood in front of the goal and thought about why he didn't try out for the team, he had the skills and potential for playing then he remembered Reyna. I walked over to my Spanish class to speak to my teacher and on the way there I encountered myself with Stephanie. "Reyna, hey." she called me but I ignored her and kept walking. "Can we talk?" she followed me. What about? How she's stealing my boyfriend away from me? I thought. I stop for a second then I just walked away. I didn't have time to waste on her. 

Karina sat behind the desk in the dentition room. She started to tap the pencil in the desk until the teacher she came by to remove the pencil from her hand. Karina then started to tap her feet, “Ms. Herrera 10 more minutes for you.” Everyone else in the room had left. Every minute she sat in there she thought about how was she was going to tell him. “Karina you are excuse.” Karina rushed out the classroom and ran to the parking lot but he was there. She checked her phone, 
Hey, where are you? - Alfredo (2:55pm)
Karina, are you coming? - Alfredo (3:04pm) 
I have to get going, I’m sorry. – Alfredo (3:11pm) 
If only she didn't stayed the extra minutes she would have caught him.  After speaking to my Spanish teacher regarding my assignment I decided to go home and rest. I pulled my keys from my bag, I see my friend Karina standing next to the music room, I walked over towards her and ask, “Hey, what are you still doing here?” "Well, I got dentition for sneaking in the teacher's lounge." she replied. "What? Why are you standing here?" I asked her. I offered Karina a ride home, we walked over to the car and she told me the situation with Alfredo. "How come you don't go to his place?" I asked her. "I don't know where he lives." I open the car, "I guess I have to wait for tomorrow." she added. "Everything will be okay." I told her.  “I hope so, so how’s everything with Ricardo?” I smiled. “Great, he gave me this rose.” “Aw, how cute, how come you’re not together right now?” she asked. “He told me had something important to do.” I replied. “Are you okay?” Karina noticed that I was not okay by the way I replied. “I haven’t seen him all week and I just wanted to spend time with him.” I said. Before I started the engine I saw Ricardo’s car parked. Why is Ricardo’s car still doing here? I asked myself. 3 seconds later I saw him walking with his buddies from the soccer team. “I thought you said that Ricardo had something important to do.” Karina told me. “That’s what I thought.” I said. I turned the engine on, “Let’s go, I can’t take this anymore.” Lucy drove to Belvedere Elementary to pick her younger brother Ian. She parked at the usual spot, 15 minutes passed and there was no sign of Ian. She got off the car and walked to the office. "May I help you?" one of the ladies who were walking in the office asked Lucy. "Yes, I was wondering if all the students are out for the day." 
"Yes, if not they are in the after school program, are you looking for someone in particular?" the lady asked. "I'm looking for my brother, Ian Gonzalez." When Lucy gave the lady the name, "Hold on," she rushed to the principal's office. "Are your parents coming?" she asked Lucy. "No, why?" Lucy answered. "Ian got into a fight today and he's suspended for the week." Principal Sanchez walked out the office with Ian. "What?" Lucy looked at her younger brother. "I'm sorry Principal Sanchez. I don't know what has gotten to Ian. I'm going to talk to him." Lucy said. "Can you tell your parents to come by my office tomorrow?" Lucy didn't know how to approach this question. She knew when her dad found out about Ian's suspension he would get mad and for her mother she didn't care about her children's education. "My parents are in vacation do you think my aunt can come by?" she asked. "I preferred your parents, but your aunt is just fine." 

Lucy and Ian got to the car. "What happen?" Lucy asked her brother. "Nothing." "Ian, unless you want me to tell dad, you're going to tell me what exactly happen." she asked. "This boy in my class has been calling me names and I couldn't stand it anymore so I hit him.""Why haven't you told me about this?" "I don't know." He responded. Lucy thought about the violence at home and how exposed Ian was to it, maybe the situation at home has caused Ian to rebel. 

Karla walked home from her friend's Gabby's house and as she passed Brenda's house, she saw someone climbing down the tree. When she saw who it was, she tried not to make eye contact, ever since she found out there was something between Daniel and Brenda; Karla kept her distance away from Daniel. "Hey." Daniel had seen her. Karla didn't know what to do or say. "Hi Daniel." she kindly smiled. "How are you?" he asked her. "I'm good." she responded. "That's good." 
"Yup. So, I must assume that Brenda's parents don't know you're dating their daughter." Karla said. 
He laughed. "We're not dating... we're just..." "Ew, don't tell me." Karla didn't want to hear the dirty details. "Sorry. So, I hear that you and Sergio are dating?" Karla laughed. "Who said that?" Karla replied. "Some of the guys from the soccer team are talking." Karla could not believe it, she was tired of people talking about her and Sergio dating. "I have to go." "Where are you going?" Daniel asked her. "To stop the dating rumors." 

Lucy received a phone from her Aunt Elena asking if she could babysit. Other than taking care her own home, Lucy sometimes served as a babysitter for her aunt Elena, which only happen twice a week when she was asked to take the night shift at the hospital. "Hi Tia." Lucy walked in the house. "Lucia is that you?" Elena rushed out from her room. "Yeah tia, its me." Lucy put her bag down in the couch. "Thank you, thank you. Food is the on table and your uncle will be here around 9. And don't forget, Giovanni must finish his homework before using the Xbox." "Got it tia." Lucy replied. 

"I didn't know things were that bad." Karina took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, I love him but things are getting out of hand." I told her. "If you think it's not working out anymore, I think you should just break up with him." she told me. The idea wasn't such a bad one, but I really didn't want to make a huge decision for something for a lie. I wanted to talk things out. After a while, we grab our drinks and left. It felt nice to talk to someone about it. I parked outside Karina's house. "Reyna, everything will be fine." she told me. "I hope so. Karina, I think it's good that you tell him the truth. If he finds that you been lying that won't end good."  I told her. "I know."

Karla marched out to the soccer field, "Karla, hey, what are you doing here?" Sergio asked her. Karla slapped him. "What the hell, why are you telling people that we're dating?" 
"I'm not kidding, Sergio I told you I  just want to be friends." Karla replied. "I know, and no I haven't been telling people about us dating." 
"Well people are talking. Sergio, I think it's best for us not to hang out anymore." 
Karla walked away. "Karla..." Sergio look over at his teammates who trying to laugh. "Did you guys say anything?" he directed the question to his teammates. "Well, I thought you guys were. The way you guys connect, it seems like you too were." Luis said. Sergio went after Karla but she had left. 

"Lulu, we finished our homework." Ian and Giovanni rushed into the living room where Lucy was reading her novel. "Let me see." she went to the kitchen to check the children's homework. "Great. You can play on the xbox just for an hour and then we're going to eat." Giovanni and Ian rushed upstairs. While Lucy went back to the couch to continue reading her novel. As she began to read the first words on the page, she thought about the endless days she spent in this household. The sleepovers that she had here with her cousins, Rebecca and Lizzie who are in college now. Lucy grew up in this house like she was another member of the family. She recalled all the many times she was dropped off as a kid, the sleepovers, the family parties, etc. She never felt more at home than here. Her phone rang, House calling... She knew it was her father calling her where she was, 
- ¿Dónde demonios estás, Lucía?
- Papá, estoy en la casa de la tía Elena.
- De nuevo, no puede Elena contratar a una niñera o algo, te necesitamos en la casa. Tu mamá no está en casa y tengo hambre.
-Papá, yo no voy a estar en casa hasta más tarde, no puede usted hacer algo de comer.
The conversation ended there, Lucy knew what was she expecting when she got home but she couldn't do anything about it. 

The rest of the afternoon I spent pondering my relationship with Ricardo and rather if it was time to break up. In that moment, I knew I had another important things to focus on but I needed to clear up my mind before I did anything. "Reyna, dinner is ready." my mom knocked on the door. "Thanks, I'll be down in a minute." I close my laptop.
-¿Cómo estuvo la escuela hoy? 
She asked me as I served myself some mole to my plate, I stood there trying to come up with an answer. I didn't know how to respond this question. I couldn't lie to my mom but I couldn't tell how I was feeling either. 
-Me fue bien . Mi profesor de Inglés me dijo que yo gané una beca .
-¿En serio? Una beca para qué? Yo no sabía que habías solicitado a becas.
-El profesor presentó uno de mis ensayos a un concurso de becas y parece que gane.
My mom stood up from the table and came over to me to give me a hug and told me, 
-Estoy orgullosa de ti, Reyna.
I smiled. 10 minutes into the dinner, Daniel walked in the house, my mom checks the time, 
-Daniel, son las 8, ¿dónde has estado?
-At a friend's house. 
My brother could be a sort of a jerk sometimes and that night was not the exception. Ever since he lost his job, Daniel has been getting home late, well according to my mom. My mom's definition of late is not arriving to dinner. Daniel grab a plate and serve himself to the food that my mom made; my mom stood up and took the plate away from him. 
-Hasta cuando consigues un trabajo estable o al menos tratando de encontrar un puesto de trabajo no habrá cena para ti.
Daniel walked out the house. I followed him. 
"What is wrong with you?" I asked him.  
"Nothing, just leave me alone." he got on his car. I open the passenger seat and got in before he drove away. "What are you doing?" he asked me in an angry tone. "I'm not leaving until you tell me what's going on?"  "Reyna." We stayed in the driveway until he was ready to talk. I had my ways to make my brother talk and this was one way. "Okay fine, I have two jobs okay." I looked at him. "Okay, what is wrong about that?" I asked them. "Nothing, it just bothers me that my mom does not let me have my free time. I work full-time at two jobs, 8am-3pm and the other at 9pm til 4am." 
I was surprised by what Daniel had told me, now I understood why I hardly saw him around anymore. "What happen to school?" I asked him. "Since you quit working, I felt like my mom needed the money so I asked Saul to get me a job at the factory he works at. So I decided to postpone school for now." I had no idea what my brother was going through. "You need to tell this to mom. She'll understand." "It's frustrating, I know what she's going to say about dropping out of school, she sometimes can be critical." 

"I know, but I think she will understand." I told him. "Reyna, just leave it alone. It's better that she thinks I'm a bum." Before I could say another word, "Reyna, please." I open the car door, as soon as I got out Daniel drove away. I step back into the house, 
 -Tu hermano no entiende la importancia de construir una vida para uno mismo.
I wanted to tell her what Daniel told me but I couldn't, Daniel wanted to keep quiet about what he had done. 
- Mamá, yo no creo que deberías ser tan duro con mi hermano. Él está tratando, yo sé que él es.
- Sé que amas a tu hermano, pero Daniel tiene que entender la importancia de la responsabilidad y cómo va a aprender si no trabaja.

After the amazing dinner that my mom cooked, we walked over to the living room to sit and watch the latest novela from Univision. "What happen to Chayo's son?" I asked my mom. "He got kidnapped by Gustavo, Chayo's boyfriend." she said. Novelas are so dramatic; no ones life is that complicated. I wonder how the writers come out with such scenarios? After the show was over, I went up to my room and continued studying. 

While Reyna was studying for her AP exams the following week, Ricardo was ready to go out have fun with Stephanie. "Where are you going?" Erika asked her brother. "To El Rodeo." 
"On a school night?" Erika responded. "Erika, don't start. I'll be fine." he responded. "Ricardo, really come on. I'm suppose to be taking care of you guys." she said. "Erika, please. I'm 10 anymore. I'll be home by midnight." Ricardo grabbed his keys from the table and left. "He's growing up." Karla came in the room. "Yeah, I know. But he's still my baby brother." Erika walked over to the kitchen to check on the cake. 

"Lucia, I'm home." Gustavo, Lucy's uncle walked in the kitchen door, "Hi tio." She stood up from the couch which she was laying in. "Where are the boys?" he asked. "Upstairs. Sleeping." Lucy replied. "Ian could spend the night if you like so you don't have to wake him up." 
"No, it's okay Tio, Dad wants us home." Lucy replied as she went upstairs to get Ian. 
Lucy checked the time, it was still early and hope that her dad won't be mad. 
"Go straight to bed." Lucy told Ian. She open the door to the apartment. "Lucia!" Her father called her. "Yeah dad." she responded. "Bring me a beer." Lucy reached to the fridge to get the beer, it was strange, it was the first time that her dad didn't cause a scene because she didn't obey him. "Es todo?" 
she asked but her father didn't say anything. She closed his bedroom door and left. 

"Hey." Stephanie reached for the car door. "Are you ready?" Ricardo asked Stephanie. "Yes!" replied with emotion. "So, where to next?" he asked. "What do you mean? El Rodeo..." Stephanie said. "Yeah, aren't we going to pick up your friends?" he asked. "About that... they aren't coming. Their parents didn't let them go out on a school night." "That sucks." he said. 

Karla received numerous texts and missed calls from Sergio but she just ignored them. "How come you're not answering?" Erika walked in the room. "I don't want to talk to him." Karla turned off her phone. "I like Sergio, okay. It bothers me that everyone keeps saying we're dating and we are not." 
"I don't get it. If you like Sergio and he wants to go out with you, why don't you accept?" Erika sat down next to her. "I'm scared." 
"Of what?" 
"Sergio is a graduating senior, he's off to college next year and I know he'll be too busy for me, so why start something that will end." 
"I preferred to be his friend because I know that will always last." Karla added. Erika didn't know how to cheer up her sister. "You never know if you don't try. I see the way he looks at you, I think it's worth the shot, if it doesn't work out, it's okay. You need to take risks Karla." She knew her sister was right but she felt she was not ready to move on. A little part of her still hope that Daniel will notice her. 

Meanwhile at El Rodeo, Stephanie and Ricardo walked over to the entrance, "Wow, it's packed." Ricardo told Stephanie. "Don't worry, I got people inside." Stephanie led Ricardo to the secret entrance. "Hey, Juan." Stephanie greeted her cousin who was the security guard. "Steph, hey." Juan made sure no one was looking and open the back door, "Here are the bracelets so you guys could drink." Juan gave Stephanie and Ricardo a green neon bracelets. "Enjoy the show." He lead them into the club. "Thanks cousin." Ricardo just followed Stephanie. 

After 3 hours of studying, I decided to go to bed, but before I could turned off my light my phone rang, who could it be at this hour? I look over who to see who it was, Ricardo? I was hesitant rather or not I should answer it, so I let it go to voice mail.  The phone couldn't stop ringing so I decided to answer it."Babe, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" he asked me.  "No, I was about to go to sleep." I heard a lot of noise coming from the background. "Ricardo, I don't want to..." Before I finish my thought, "Babe, I'm sorry for everything. Can I go see you right now?" I look at my clock, it was past midnight, "No, it's late." I heard music in the background, like the type of music that Ricardo listens to. "Where are you?" I asked him. "Babe, I miss you." He didn't even answer my question.

"Ricardo, vamos, they're performing again." I heard a girl's voice in the background, "Ricardo who is that with you?" I asked. "Stephanie hold on." Ricardo replied to the girl's voice. Stephanie? He's out with Stephanie? "Good night Ricardo." I hung up. "Who were you talking to?" Stephanie asked Ricardo when they returned back to the table. "My girlfriend." Ricardo got another beer from the bucket. "Give me your phone. No more drunk calling people." Ricardo gave her his phone. For a moment, Stephanie had forgotten how it felt to be with Ricardo. "Why are you smiling?" he asked her. "Oh nothing." I turned off my phone, that way when Ricardo sobers up he won't bother to call me. 

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