Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Beginning of a Stressful Week

I considered myself an over-achiever, AP classes, community service, school organizations and my job, the usual combination for most people. My senior year was a stressful year, especially in the month of May which included my AP examinations and I had three. However the AP exams did not make it stressful but the news that my counselor had gave me.

Monday, May 1
The alarm from my phone went off, I hit the snooze button and went back to the sleep. Then my second alarm from my iPod went off, I got up and hit the snooze button and went back to bed. It was until my third alarm, the radio went off playing one of my favorite songs Time of my life from the movie Dirty Dancing. I slowly stood up from bed, I look over at the clock it said 7:25am, "Oh crap" I told myself. I must have overslept again. I had only 15 minutes to get ready. I rushed to the bathroom, "Did you oversleep again?" my brother asked me as he came out from his room. "Yeah." I rushed down to the kitchen, grab a snack and just left; I had no time to have a descent meal unless if I wanted to be late. 

"Good Morning babe." my boyfriend greeted me as I walked into school. "Sorry, I overslept again." I told him. "It's okay babe." He held my hand as we made our way to our classes. "See you in lunch." he kissed me as he drop me off in my Physics class. "You're two are too cute." Brenda told me as I walked in. I smiled. Brenda and I were best friends in middle school but after I went to Spain we distant ourselves a bit then when we got to high school we stop talking as if we were strangers. It was strange when we did talk, "How you been?" I asked her. "Good."

Brenda didn't like talking to Reyna but she had to get close to her again in order to get her plan in motion. "Were you able to finish the homework?" Brenda asked her. "Nope, the last question was a bit hard. I'm going to ask if she could show the class how to answer it." Reyna replied. While Brenda was trying to get close with Reyna, Stephanie tried to get close to Ricardo. "Hey." Stephanie sat next to him in English class

Later in my Economics class, I received a notice from my counselor, Mrs. Hopkins, to meet her in her office. 
      "Congratulations Reyna for your acceptance to USC."she said as I walked in.
      "Thank you, if it wasn't for your recommendation I would have not got in."
      "No problem. Have you submitted your acceptance?" she asked
      "No, but I'm going to today."
I have been hesitant in doing so, as if something in me didn't want me to choose USC but I don't know why because I have always wanted to USC.
      "Okay, because tomorrow is the deadline. The purpose I called in is that I received a notification from NYU regarding your standing in the program and I'm afraid I have bad news."
      "What happen?" I asked.
       "There has been a change of dates, your departure date is now on May 22."
In three weeks I thought, I didn't have much time to waste; I had to get my stuff together but how was I going to tell this to Ricardo, I thought. As the counselor kept talking I thought to myself how was I going to manage to finish everything in three weeks, unless I quit my job. I hate making decisions especially ones that I needed to make on the spot. The bell rang, I just walked out from the office with a  headache. Okay. I told myself, first things first I said, economics assignment.

It was Lunch time. Due to the conference with my counselor I missed my economics class and I forgot to turn in my economics assignment. As I walked over to Mr. Hayes class, I heard someone calling me,
       "Reyna!" Karla called me out.
I turned around,
       "Hey." I replied as I tried to walk faster to turn in my assignment.
       "Do you think your brother is ever going to ask me out?"
I stop and pulled her aside, "Karla, sweetie, I'm sorry. Daniel is not worth it, just move on." I told her. Daniel may be my older brother but he's an asshole when it comes to dating girls and that's why I discouraged Karla not to go after him. As I tried to talk to her, I glanced over to the gym and saw Brenda making out with a guy who happened to look alike my brother. "Ew." I said. "What happen?" Karla turned around. Karla could not believe what she had just seen, Daniel and Brenda? she thought. "Are you okay?" Reyna asked her. "I'm okay." Karla did not know how to react with the news, after a minute she just stormed off. "Karla!" Reyna called her but she had disappeared. 

"Okay, that's enough Daniel. I have to go." Brenda pulled away from Daniel, grab her bag and started to walk away. "Oh come on, you drag me here just for 10 minutes of making out." Brenda turned around. "I have things to do. But hey, later at your place okay?" Daniel didn't like the way Brenda was treating him, at first he didn't mind that Brenda used him but in the last few days he had been doubting if he wanted to continue with her. 

Karla didn't know what to do. She completely lost hope that Daniel would ever ask her out. Moments later, Jesse saw Karla sitting alone under the tree by the basketball courts behind the bleachers, as he walked toward that direction he saw someone with her. "Karla?" Karla looked up, it was the guy from the kickback. "Sergio." Karla stood up and gave him a hug. "What happen?" he asked. Karla didn't want to talk about it, she just wanted to feel support from someone. After a few moments of silence, Karla looked into Sergio's eyes and without thinking about it she lean towards his kips and started kissing him. 

While Karla kissed Sergio, Jesse oversaw what was happening, "Hey, what are you doing?" Jazmin surprised him as he was spying at Karla and Sergio. Jazmin glanced where Jesse was looking at, "What the hell? How did that happen?" Jesse looked away and started to walk away, "I don't know." 

Sergio pulled away/ "Karla, what happen?" Karla looked away. "I thought you were into me?" she replied. "Yeah, but..." 
         "You should not be complaining." she said.
         "Are you sure?" 
I had a lot in my mind as I walked to the cafeteria,      
        "Reyna." Diego called me as I tried to avoid him by walking on the opposite direction.
        "I just heard what happen and wanted to  congratulate you. I'm happy that you got in." he smiled.
I smiled. "Thanks." I continued walking, "Oh hey,I just wanted to know when we're going to start working on the project for Economics." I stop and look at him, "I forgot about that." Usually I don't forget any assignments but because I have been busy with work and after school activities that I forgot about the project. I started to freak out. "Calm down, we have one week." He told me. I looked over to quad to see if I saw Ricardo, as I glanced over several times I spotted him, he was waiting for me by the entrance to the cafeteria. I step back that way Ricardo would not see Diego and I talking. "Come here." We walked over to the library, "I don't want Ricardo to see us." I told him.

My time was limited, I told myself, how was going to manage to study for 3 AP exams, write 2 4-page papers and study for my finals. I started to feel chest pains, had trouble breathing, like I was going to pass out. "Reyna are you okay?" he held my hand and walked me inside, "I'm good." I told him. Diego grabbed me a bottle of water. I tried to let it out, breathe in and breathe out, it only took few minutes to get myself together. I grab my phone from my bag, I had several texts from Ricardo, Where are you? I stood up, "I'm better now." I told Diego as I walked out of the library. "I think you should go to the nurse."

"I'm fine." My phone rang, I answered, "Donde estas?" he asked. "I'm on my way." I turned my attention to Diego. "So, we could work on the project tomorrow afternoon. What do you think?" I asked. As I started to walked away towards the quad, "Are you happy?" Diego asked me, I turned around to look at him, "Yeah I am." I smiled. As I turned back, I saw Ricardo standing right in front of me, "Hey." I kissed him, "Sorry for keep you waiting." I told him. "It's okay." Ricardo gave a dirty look to Diego. "What happen?" he had asked me.

"I had to turned in my economics assignment." I told him. Then the strangest thing occurred, Ricardo grab me tightly and started to kiss me in front of Diego. "Oh, wow." I was not sure if he had gotten better in kissing or that it was only in the moment. We walked away. "What was that about?" I asked, as he held my hand tightly. "Just wanted to show you how much I love you." He replied. His answer was a total lie I knew that there was something else.
Diego was not going to give up on Reyna that easily. As Diego joined his friends at the field, "Diego!" Brenda called him over to the side. "How is it going?" Stephanie asked. "Well, it's getting difficult. I know she's still likes me but she doesn't want to admit it." Diego responded. "You need to make her." Brenda added. Brenda was not satisfy how things were playing out, so she decided to think of something else. 
I kept looking at my phone every 5 minutes, my fingers tap the table, my feet taping the floor, I could not sit here and not do anything. "Reyna are you okay?" Lucy asked me. I smiled, "Yeah." I lied. I had a lot in my mind, I felt like I was going to lose my mind. Few minutes later, Olivia showed up at our table asking for Karla.
              "Have you seen Karla?"
              "No, why?" Lucy said.
             "We need to work on a project but I can't find her and she doesn't answer her phone." Then immediately I remembered what happen in the hallway. "I think I know what happen. Karla found out Daniel and Brenda are dating.""What?" Olivia and I started to freak out, knowing Karla we knew she was bound to do something stupid. I love Karla, she had become like a little sister but since her obsession with my brother I was worried about her. "What happen?" Ricardo looked lost.

"Jesse, hey, have you seen Karla?" I asked him. "She's making out with her boyfriend behind the basketball courts." I looked confused. "What boyfriend?" I asked but Jesse had left as if he didn't give a shit about Karla. "What was that about?" Olivia asked me. "I don't know." We both rushed to see if what Jesse told us was true.

"Karla!" I cannot believe it. "What the hell are you doing?" Olivia asked. Karla and Sergio stop kissing, "Hey, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I was stunned on how she was taking the news, I was speechless. The bell rang, we all looked at each other, "Sergio, let's go." Karla stood up and started to walk away. "Where are you going? We have a class presentation." Olivia told Karla. "I'll walk her to class." Sergio told Olivia.  "She'll be okay." I told Olivia. "I hope so." "Karla might be a little overboard with her emotions but she always get her work done." I ensure Olivia that Karla was going to be okay.
"Wait." Sergio grab her hand, "What is it?" Karla said in an angry tone. "I'm sorry, I was just trying to do the right thing." Karla just ignored him and went in the class. 


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