Sunday, May 18, 2014


One thing about me is that I don't like people being mad at me or being disappointed at me, usually I tried to be honest and be upfront with my feelings and my thoughts. But there were times in my life that I had to keep things away for the sake of my relationship for example my feelings for Diego. I tried to hide these feelings but somehow I couldn't. I felt disappointed in myself for not being honest with Diego and Ricardo.

Tuesday, May 2
The following morning, my mother drove me to school, due to the complications of her car payments her car was towed away. So in the mean time I let her borrow my car, "Have a good day mija." I open the car door. As I walked up to the school's gate, I saw Diego, "Hey Diego, wait up." I tried to catch up with him, "I don't want to talk to you right now, unless its about the project otherwise I don't want to talk to you." then he just walked away from me.
      "What was that about?" Brenda walked up to Diego. 
      "I don't want to talk about it." he replied. 
      "Diego, come on. I'm your friend." Diego gave her a look, "Okay, fine, I'm not but come on." 
      "Reyna is not the girl who I thought she was." he said it in an angry tone.
      "What happen?" 
      "She's an untrustworthy, ungrateful girl." 
Brenda smiled when Diego was talking the way he was, now that Diego was mad at Reyna, his feelings would no longer be a problem for her plan. 
       "I need updates." 
       "I know she still needs to submit her acceptance for USC." he replied. 
"Hey." my boyfriend surprised me, "Don't scare me like that." I told him. "I'm sorry babe, I thought it would be fun." I smiled. My mind was somewhere else, in school but mainly on what Diego had told me yesterday. As we walked to class, "Hey, why are you so serious?" Ricardo asked me. "Just got a lot in my mind, you know school stuff." We stop in front of my class. "Babe, don't worry everything is going to be okay." When did I become a liar? Diego even knew that I was lying how come Ricardo didn't noticed this. Did Diego knew me better than Ricardo? Ricardo wanted to give Reyna a chance to tell him the news, "Is there anything you need to tell me?" he asked her. Reyna had another chance to tell Ricardo the truth but she couldn't. "No." Reyna smiled. Ricardo was disappointed. 

Diego walked over to the bench that was next to the gym, he just needed to think things through about the situation with Reyna. Brenda followed Diego, "Knowing her she hasn't accepted UCLA neither, so I need you to be with her when she denies UCLA and make sure she does it." Diego turns to Brenda. "You know she's going to USC, why do you want me to do that?" Diego exclaimed. "Just trust me." Brenda hated the fact that Reyna got accepted to USC while she was on the waiting list, so she was planning to take away her both options. 
         "You know what, I'm tired of this plan, you told me that I was going to get her back but I don't see it happening. I'm out." Diego stood up. 
          "You will, you just need to be patient." she added.
          "I'm tired of this. Can't you just accept that she loves Ricardo and get over it." 
          "No, and I'm not going to let you ruin this. If you don't continue to help me, I'm going to tell                Reyna about Ana." 
          "What are you talking about?" Diego asked.
           "Don't act stupid. I know that you had slept with Reyna's sister when you two were dating." 
In that moment, Brenda had Diego's attention. 

It was 7:57am Karla was worried about Jesse and how he hadn't shown up for class yet, "Did you see Jesse this morning?" Karla asked Gabby who happened to live in the same apartment building as Jesse. "No." she replied. "That's strange, he's never been late to school before." Karla added. The bell rang, Jesse walked in the class, "Jesse, hey." Karla called Jesse over but he didn't listen, "What is his problem?" she asked Gabby. "Maybe he didn't hear you." Karla made signs to catch his attention but he just turned around, "I don't know but he must be mad at you. Did you guys have a fight?" Karla looked confused. "No, I don't think so." 

"See you in lunch." Ricardo kissed me. Why is it difficult in telling him a simple thing? I walked in my English class. As I sat down and took out my journal, I had a rose in my bag with a note, I love you <3 I don't recall Ricardo carrying a rose in the morning, I wondered how he put the rose in my bag.
"Cute rose." Brenda sat next to me. "Yeah." I replied. "Reyna how have you been? I know we distanced ourselves in the last years but I still considered you as a friend." she said as we were waiting for the teacher to walk in. I smiled, "Yeah it's been a while huh. We'll I've been good, you know stressed out with projects, essays and AP exams." I replied. "Yeah, I know the feeling. We should hang out more often." The teacher walks in.

Ricardo and his friends were talking, 
      “When are you coming down to play with us again?” Luis asked.
      “Yeah man, ever since you started dating Reyna, you've been MIA on playing soccer.” Rogelio added.
       “I know but I hardly see her and when I do is when you guys have the games.”
       “Didn't you tell me that she ignores you half the time?”  Luis said.
       “Yeah but she’s has a lot of things on her plate, I love her and I don’t mind.”

His friends just gave him a look. In the last couple of weeks, Reyna had been a little distant with him but that was because she was focus on school. Now that she had less than a month to complete of senior project, final exams and other things he knew that he would see little of her. His friends were right but he loved Reyna anyways. 

While taking the in-class essay I could not stop staring at the red rose that my boyfriend had given me, I had forgotten the last time he had given me a rose. Ricardo was definitely “the one” even though I had doubts about my feelings about Diego, if I had to choose Diego or Ricardo, I would choose Ricardo. “Time’s up.” Mr. Scott started to collect our essays, “How do you think you did?” Brenda asked me. “I think okay, how about you?” The bell rang; I stood up and handled the essay in, “I hope I did okay.” she replied. We both walked out and started to walk to our AP Calculus class. 
Brenda saw a glimpse of Stephanie in the other side of the hallway, 
      “Go in, I’ll catch up in a minute.” Brenda told Reyna.
      “What are you doing?” Stephanie asked Brenda.
       “I’m trying to gain her trust again, it will be easier …” Brenda stop talking before she could give          her plan away.
       “Easier for what, is there something you haven’t told me? Stephanie asked.

       “Of course not, like Diego is not doing anything, I’m helping her realize how happy she used to be.” Brenda lied. Stephanie gave her a look like she didn’t believe her. 

I walked out the class and I saw Ricardo waiting for me. “So?” “I got an A.” I smiled. “Congrats.” he hugged me. As we hugged, I saw Diego walked passed us. I pulled away. “What’s wrong?” he asked me. “Nothing babe, let’s go eat.” I said. 

As Karla walked out her French class she saw Sergio coming out his class that was across the hall, they both glanced at each other and smiled. "Hi." he approached her. "How are you feeling?" he asked. "Better..." she said. "I'm glad." he smiled. "Thanks for yesterday, I really needed someone to open my eyes." Karla responded. "No problem." They started walking towards the quad, Karla saw Gabby, "Well catch you later.Karla walked over to Gabby, "What was that about?"she asked. "Nothing." she replied. "Sergio." "Oh, we're just friends." Gabby started to smile. "What?" Karla asked. "You can't be simply friends with Sergio Acosta." Gabby responded. "How come?" she said. "Look at him, he's the cutest guy in school." Gabby added. "Really?" Karla and Gabby both glanced at Sergio. "Um..." 

Right after class, Brenda went off to the parking lot to make an important phone call. 
"Good afternoon, may I talk to the head of admissions." 
"This is Jane Spenser, who I may be speaking with?"
Brenda had plan to sabotage Reyna's acceptance to USC, if Diego did what is suppose to do, Reyna will no have any back up schools left and Reyna will be left with nothing. 
"Yes, hi I'm Karen Estrada I'm a counselor..."  

As we made our way to the cafeteria, Ricardo and I passed by Diego, there was not a smile nor a hi from his part, he was really serious about not talking to me. "I think he finally gave up." Ricardo told me. "I guess he did." I told him. As we continued walking, I look back but Diego was no longer there by the tree where he used to hang out. I should be happy that Diego is no longer going to bother me but I was not. "Hey you," Alfredo surprised Karina as she walked out from her government class. "Hey." she had her guilty smile on. "I went by in the morning to see you in the library but you weren't there." he said. "Oh sorry about that, I was doing something at the office." she lied. "Its okay, so hey I wanted to ask if you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Karina smiled. "Yeah, I love to." "Okay, I'll text you." Karina slowly walked away. 
         "What happen?" Lucy asked her. 
         "He just asked me to dinner." Karina smiled.
         "Karina are you sure you want to keep lying to him." Lucy said.
         "I need to, come on Lucy, I need your support on this." 
         "Okay, fine. Don't blame me if this goes wrong." 
"So hey I've been trying to tell you something." I told Ricardo as we sat down in our usual spot in the cafeteria.  "What is it?" As I was about to tell him, Stephanie showed up, "Hey Reyna, can I steal him for a bit, we need to talk about Saturday." "Yeah go right ahead." Yet again, I had a perfect opportunity to tell him but another distraction interpreted us. I pulled out my homework from my bag and began finishing problems for my AP calculus class.
"So what happen?" Ricardo asked Stephanie. "About?" "Well I thought you needed to talk to me about the party." "Oh, I just say that so I could talk to you. I know your girlfriend doesn't like me." 
"Don't say that." Ricardo smiled. "She gives me some weird stares during class. So did you confront her about what I told you?" Stephanie asked in hopes that Ricardo and Reyna had a fight. "Well not really, I want to give her a chance to tell me. I think she was about to tell me when you interrupted." Ricardo replied."Sorry but I have to tell you something I heard and I think you should know." Stephanie said. "What is it?" he asked. "The other day I overheard Reyna talking to Karina and  they were talking about Diego. Reyna confessed to her that she still has feelings for him." Ricardo backed away. "No, you heard wrong." he said. "It's the truth, why would I lie to you?" she responded. Ricardo could not believe what Stephanie had told him. Ricardo left. "Where are you going?" 

10 Minutes later, what was taking so long? I thought. "Hey, what happen?" I asked him. "Nothing. Just last minute stuff." he smiled. Ricardo looked over at Reyna as she worked on her homework, he chose not to believe what Stephanie had just say to him. Reyna was not being honest to him and that was something he didn't like. 

"I'll be right back." Karla told Gabby as she marched to Jesse, "Jesse what's wrong?" Karla grab his arm, "Jesse.""What the hell is wrong with you?"Karla asked him. "You tell me, why didn't you tell me that you're dating Sergio?" Karla started to laughed. "What's funny?" "Sergio and I aren't dating." Karla stated. "Oh, so how come I saw you two kissing yesterday." Karla looked that everyone was staring at them, "Jesse can we talk?" Karla pulled Jesse away from his friends. "I'm not dating Sergio, we were kissing because I was in rage about Daniel dating Brenda." Jesse stood there silent. "And even if we were why are you mad at me? Unless you were jealous or something." "I'm sorry, I thought I was your best friend, you always tell me everything." he replied. "I know and I'm sorry I just needed to let off some steam and that's how I dealt with it. Can you forgive me?" Karla told him, Jesse just smiled at her, he knew that he couldn't stay mad at her. 

Ricardo walked me to the library, "Remember I'm staying after school to finish my economics project." I told Ricardo as he grab me by the waist and kissed me. "Aqui no." I pulled myself away. I was not comfortable kissing during school hours especially in front of other people. "Congrats Ricky for your nomination on Prom King." someone shouted. "You're nominated? How come you didn't tell me?" I asked."It must of slipped my mind." he responded. "Well you can tell me about it later when you come by the house, okay?"
        "Um, I don't know if I can, I have a game with the guys?" he said.
        "Oh you're playing again?" I said.
        "Yeah, the guys invited me."
The bell rang. "Well another time then. See you tomorrow then." I kissed him.

School was finally over for the day, well at least for those went home right after school while for people like me stayed at school to do homework. I saw Diego had walked in the library, "Hey, you made it. I'm sorry, I know it's last minute." "I could only stay for an hour, you know work." he replied. I felt he was still mad at me. "Diego, about yesterday..."
"Can we just focus on the project?" he said.
"Um, sure. Let's get started, well can you go over the assignment, let me do something really quick. Can you believe I have not submitted my acceptance to USC?" I smiled but he didn't respond.

First things first, decline my second choice UCLA, at some point I wanted to go there but that's when I thought I had no possibly in getting into USC. I log-in into my UCLA account, "Reyna, Ricardo is at the door." Diego warned me. "Um, I'll be right back." I replied. While Reyna went to deal with Ricardo, Diego had a perfect opportunity to do what Brenda had asked him to do. He leaned over to the computer that Reyna was using, he open the acceptance option in the account, he raise his finger and clicked on the option he thought was best. I walked over to Ricardo, "Hey babe, what are you doing here?" I tried to prevent him in walking in the library, "I wanted to see if you want a ride to work."
"Thanks sweetie, but I'm staying late to finish some stuff."
"Do you want me to stay?" he asked.
"Oh no, it's okay. Lucy is going to give me a ride later." I said.
I kissed him. "Okay babe." I walked back in; I didn't know why I didn't him that I was working with Diego. As Reyna walked in, Ricardo thought about what Stephanie had told him in lunch about Reyna still having feelings for Diego. A small part of him he felt something was weird about Reyna how she acted, so he walked back to the library but he stop. No matter what Stephanie had said Ricardo trusted Reyna, he knew she would not hide anything from him. Perhaps she hadn't told him about leaving early because she didn't want to hurt his feelings. He walked away. 
"Okay, sorry about that." I sat back down. "It's fine." he replied. As I clicked to decline my admission to UCLA, it said that I had submitted my acceptance already and the un-refundable check were cleared. "That's weird." I said. He stood up and walked over, "What?" he asked me. "It said that I accepted my admission and I paid the fee." This must be a misunderstanding.I thought.

After a while just looking at it, I decided to check on my USC account, logged in but a error message appeared in the screen,
            Sorry this account is no longer available.
            If you have any questions, please call our admissions office. xxx-xxx-xxxx
No, this could not be happening to me right now. I was freaking out, this was clearly a mistake, a mistake that I must fix. "What happen?" Diego asked. "It said that they are taking back their acceptance to me." I started to freak out. In that moment, Diego held my hand, "I don't understand what happen." I told him. I started to cry. After a while, I stood up, "I'm sorry, let's get started." Diego and I started working on our economics project.
Stephanie and her new boyfriend were walking out of dentition as they walked by the library, Stephanie glanced inside the library and she could not believe what she saw. It was Reyna and Diego in a very comprising position, she quickly took her phone out and took a picture. 
"What are you doing?" Oscar asked her. "Nothing." 
"Okay, we're done well at least for right now." I told him. "Okay, awesome." Diego gathered his stuff, "Diego, I'm really for what happen yesterday." I said. "Don't worry about it." He started to walked away, "Wait." I went up to him and gave him a hug."Am I interpreting?" Lucy walked in. I let Diego and turned my attention to Lucy. "Hey." I smiled. "What were you doing?" she asked me. "Diego and I were working on our economic project." I replied. I gathered my belongings and we walked over the car. "Reyna, you can tell me the truth, what's going between you and Diego." I stop, "Nothing." Lucy gave a me look as if I did something bad. "Stop looking at me like that." I said. "Well, tell me the truth." We stood in front of her car, "Fine, you want the truth. Well here it goes, USC evoke their decision..."
        "Yes, I received a notification saying that they are taking back their acceptance."
        "Yeah, that's why you saw me hugging him, Diego was helping me deal with the news."
        "I am sorry, I just thought that..."
        "Yeah I know."
The ride home was silent.

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