Friday, May 16, 2014

Hiding the truth

Is hiding the truth the same thing as lying? Everyone lies at some point in their lives and I thought I was those people that I never lied to a loved one but ever since I got close to Diego again, I lied a lot to Ricardo, my friends and to myself.

"The worst thing about being lied to is knowing you weren't worth the truth." 

Lucy, Melissa and Karina were walking towards class, "So hey, have you heard back from the guy?" Lucy asked her. "What guy?" Melissa asked. Karina smiled, "Karina met a guy at the club last weekend." For her sister's birthday Kari had invited her friends to a 21 and over club in LA and with the help of her older brother they were able to get in. "So what happen?" Melissa asked. "We danced with each other all night." Karina could not stop glowing. "Wow, Karina, you really must like him huh?" Lucy said. "Yeah, I do." Karina replied. "So you like older guys? How did he react when you told him your age?" Melissa asked. Karina face went blank. "Ha ha, funny thing is that I didn't tell him. I mean why does that matter." Lucy and Melissa stop and look at Karina, "Because you're a minor. How old is he anyway?" "I don't know." Ricardo walked me to class, "Are you okay? You seem a bit distant." he asked me. I held his hand, "Nothing babe, I just have a lot things to do that's all. I'm worried about Karla tho." I told him. "Yeah me too, how didn't I know she like your brother."
"Well I think it's because you spend too much time with me and not enough with your sisters." I smiled. "I think you're right."

The bell had rung, Karina slowly back to the library while Lucy went to the office; they both had a free period so instead of going home they decided to help out the school. As Kari was stacking books in the shelves, a guy approaches her, 
      "Miss can you help me?" Kari turned around. 
Karina could not believe it, Alfredo, she thought. She turned back immediately before he could recognize her. "I think I know you." he said. "I don't think so." she replied. "Karina, it's you." She turned back around and continued stacking books, "Hey." She wanted to smile but how was she going to explain this to Alfredo. "Hi." she smiled. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Um, I work here." she lied. She put the books in the cart and pushed them to the aisle. "Really? Huh, what a small world." 
       "How about you?" she asked.  
       "Actually I just got hired to be an English teacher for next year but for the mean time I'll be                    working with the English teachers." 
       "Wow, that's great." Kari couldn't stop smiling. 
       "I think I better get back to work." 
       "Of course, can you help me find these books?" Alfredo handed her a list of books. 
She smiled. 
I wanted to tell Ricardo the news but I was not ready. Prom was the only thing we had left to look forward and now I cannot even attend my own Prom. "Reyna are you okay?" Jocelyn asked me. I smiled, "Yeah, I'm just a bit stressed out." "Who isn't?" she replied. I had to tell someone about the news, "Can I tell you something, but promise you won't tell anyone." "Yeah of course, what's going on?" Stephanie tried to ease drop Reyna's conversation but it was a bit difficult so she asked the guy to next to tell her what they were talking about.  
         "I don't know how to tell Ricardo that I cannot go to Prom with him."
         "What? How come?"
         "I'm leaving on the 22 instead of the 29."
         "I think Ricardo has the right to know." she told me.
         "I know but I just don't know, he had been looking forward to going to Prom together."
Stephanie smiled. 

The final bell rang for the day, Karina rushed out from the library to find Lucy to tell what happen, "Kari, are you okay?" she asked. Kari pulled Lucy to the side, "Guess who I just saw?" 
       "Alfredo, the guy from the club." 
       "What? Here?" 
       "Yeah, he came by to the library to find some books." 
       "What is he doing here?" 
       "Apparently he is going to replace Ms. Fletcher next year." 
       "Wow, what did you tell him when he asked you why you were here?" 
       "Um, that I worked in the library." 
       "I know." 
Kari didn't know what to do. She knew if she told him the truth that he would turn her away and she didn't want that to happen. So she decided to keep lying to him... 
      "I think you should just tell him." Jocelyn told me as we walked out of class.
      "Tell me what?" Ricardo appeared out of nowhere. Jocelyn gave me a look, "Hey." I smiled.
Jocelyn left us alone. "What was that about?" "Nothing." I lied. We walked over to the parking lot, "Reyna guess who Karina ran into today?" I looked over at Kari, "Alfredo." Lucy added. "Wait the guy from the club?" "Yup." Karina smiled. "Wow, so what happen?" I said as I look at the time. "Hold that thought, I have to go home and eat before work." I said.
       "Perfect, let's go eat." he added.
       "Yeah, let's go eat." Lucy added.
       "Rain check, I just want to go home and finish stuff that I have to do." I said.
       "Again?" Karina said.
       "Reyna, it seems like the last two weeks you've been MIA with us, and I get it you have a lot on           your plate, but you have a month, you should relax."
       "Yeah Reyna, you need to relax, we don't want you to have an anxiety attack." Lucy said.
       "You get anxiety attacks?" Ricardo looks over at me, "Yeah, but you're never around when I have          them. Like today, I had one in the library and luckily that I had D..." I stop.
       "You need to take better of yourself." Melissa said.
       "I know, you take on a lot of things, work, after school activities, AP classes, that's too much."
        "Karina is right, I think it's time to quit your job."
I smiled. That afternoon I joined my friends to go eat before going to work. I needed to relax a bit and perhaps this was a good time to tell my friends about my leaving.
Karla and Wendy were walking out from class,“Karla!” Sergio pulled her aside.“What is it?” she asked. “What is wrong with you? It seems like you’re a different person.” Karla looked away. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Sergio grab her hand, “Let’s go somewhere else.” Karla smiled, "Sorry Wendy, maybe next time." 

 As I was about to announce the news, "Reyna, are you coming this weekend with us to buy our prom dresses?" Karina asked. I didn't know what to say, "Yeah." so I just went along with it. "Are you okay?" Ricardo held my hand, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I replied. "No nothing, you're just a bit intense that's all." I smiled. I don't know why it was difficult in telling them the news. After finishing my meal, my boyfriend drove me to work, "I love you." He kissed me. "I love you too." He smiled and kissed me again. "Okay, I have to get going." I got off the car. 
 "Where are we going?" Karla asked as Sergio drove. "Just wait." She smiled. Karla knew that Sergio was going to take her somewhere special, that only meant that it was going to be her first time. She was not nervous at all but excited, she had been waiting for this day to come. "We're here." Karla looked around, "At the park?" she said. Sergio got off the car. Karla thought maybe the back of his car, she climbed to the backseat, Sergio open the door, "What happen?" he asked. "Aren't we going to this at the back seat?" Sergio laughed. "Come here." Sergio grab Karla's hands, “Wait, where are we going?” she said when Sergio walked towards the bench by the playground. "I don't get it." She said. “Just come here.” Karla didn't know what was going on. Karla sat next to Sergio, “I thought you wanted to do it with me." she said. 
       "Not today." he replied. 
       "Oh, so what’s up?" she asked.
       "What happen today?" 
Karla stood up, "Is it the reason you bought me here, so we could talk about that?" 
       "Karla, I'm worried." 
Karla gave him a look, "I thought you were different, if I wanted a friend I would be talking to Jesse." 
Sergio stood up, "Karla, come on. Where's the fun girl that I had an awesome time at the party, where is she?" Karla started to walk away. "Leave me alone." "Karla, I like you!" Sergio shouted, Karla turned around. She never heard those words come out from a boy's mouth before, "I thought you felt the same way, I figured that's why you kissed me." Karla walked back, she was speechless by what Sergio just had confessed to her. 

My friends were right about one thing, I was taking too much and especially that I have a lot things to do for school. So that afternoon I decided to speak to my boss, “I just want to give you thanks for letting me work for you in the last three years.” "Welcome Reyna, I hope everything works out for you. You know you could come back anytime." Ruben, the manager said.  I walked out of the office with a smile in my face. Karla smiled. The thing was that Karla didn't feel the way Sergio did, "Sergio, the thing is..." "I know you like someone else." he said. "Yeah, exactly..." "I figured that's why you've been acting the way you've been, you're just angry and just want to get back at him for choosing her over you." Karla was surprised how Sergio was reacting, as if he knew how she was feeling. "How do you know?" "Believe it or not, I've been in that situation before." he smiled. "I'm sorry for the way I have been acting..." she said. "Let's take it slow, yeah?" Sergio nodded his head. 

“What was that about?” Diego asked me. I walked away. “Reyna, talk to me.” Diego approached me while I was stocking the shelves, I turned around and ignored him. “Look at me, what’s wrong?” Diego kept insisting, I stop what I was doing and I finally put him in his place. “Diego, I've been trying to be nice to you but I can’t stand this anymore. If you don’t stop flirting with me, I swear I’m never going to talk to you again and I would quit working here to do that.” In a way I felt bad for what I told him, but it had to be done, I couldn’t let Diego confuse me more. He walked away. “Diego.” He disappeared. In the last couple of weeks, Diego has shown me a different side of him and the more I interacted with him, the more my feelings for him grew stronger.

"Hey where's everyone?" Ricardo asked Stephanie as he walked in the courtyard. "Practice is cancelled for today. Emily got taken the hospital." "Oh, I hope she is okay." 

"So hey, are you still going to Prom?" Stephanie asked. "Of course, what do you mean by still going?" he asked as he was about to get in his car. "Oh, I just wondered because I heard that Reyna is leaving on the 22nd instead of 29." 
      "Oh I thought you knew." she said.
       "No, I didn't." 
Ricardo didn't know what to do anymore. Reyna kept hiding things from him, first how she felt for Diego and then the date of when she was leaving.
     "Wait are you sure? Who told you this?" 
     "I overheard Reyna talking to Jocelyn about it." Stephanie said, "Do you want a beer?" Stephanie offered as he saw Ricardo freak out over the news. "A beer sounds good." Ricardo usually wouldn't drink during a school night but he had no choice. 

Lucy and Melissa went over to their friend's David band practice, "He's good." Melissa said. "Yeah, he is." she smiled. "Has he asked you out?" Melissa asked. Lucy laughed. "Nope. Why would he?" 
"Lucy seriously? You're a total babe, any guy would want you." Melissa said. "You think?" "Yes..." 
Lucy did not give much importance in dating in high school; she had other important things to worry about like getting into the film industry. "He's coming." Melissa said. Lucy stood up. 
      "Hey LuLu, you made it." 
      "You guys are getting better." she told them.
       "Yeah, we've been practicing a lot." 
Lucy giggled. 
        "Are you guys coming to our gig this weekend?" 
        "Yeah, of course." 
        "Great, so Lucy I was thinking if after the gig we could hangout?" 
Lucy looked over at Melissa. "Go for it." Melissa mouthed the words to Lucy.
        "Sounds good." she smiled. 

Daniel walked over to the park to play soccer with his friends and on his way he saw his neighbor Karla, "Hi Karla!" but Karla just walked passed him. Daniel didn't understand why Karla ignored him, she went after her, "Hey Karla." 

      "Hi Danny." she replied. 
      "I called you several times, but I guess you didn't hear me." he said.
       "I actually I have to be somewhere right now, I have to go." Karla left. 
Karla didn't want to talk to Daniel anymore after what she had seen today but they were neighbors so she had to get use to it. 

After work, I decided to walk back home, as I walked I passed by the park I use to spend most of time with Diego. For old time sake I decided to get on the swing, all of the sudden all the memories came back, and while I was acting like 5 year old, I saw Diego sitting in the grass under the old tree. I knew that I was going to regret this later, “Diego, hey.” He turned around, “Hey.” “Can I sit here?” I asked, and he smiled.“I actually had fun when we use to come here.” He told me, “I know me too.” I added. 

There was a moment of silence, I look at him, “Diego, you have to understand that I’m with Ricardo now. I need you to understand that there is no possibility for us to get back together.” Diego looked away. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you don’t have feelings for me and I’ll leave you alone.” I stared into his hazel eyes and told him, “I don’t have feelings for you.” Diego stood up, “I know you are so many things but I never thought you were a liar.” He left. I was not sure how I was feeling in that moment, I remained in the same spot for a while longer then I decided to go home. He was right, I was denying my feelings for him but I could not allow him to see that because I knew that I loved Ricardo more and nothing was going to change that. 

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