Monday, May 26, 2014


I thought I had things figured out by then, my future in UCLA and my relationship with Ricardo were solid. But I knew deep, deep down that wasn't what I wanted and I didn't want to admitted it. I mean, I wanted to go USC,and  I had a phone call to make and I could fix it but for some reason I stayed in UCLA. I never understood why. I've always been indecisive; I cannot settle for one thing and just make a quick decision without thinking about it. There was one thing I wasn't settled for and that was my relationship with Diego.

Lucy and Ian been in the library for almost the entire day, Ian was getting tired, "Can we go home now?" Ian asked Lucy. Lucy checked to see what time was it and realize it was almost 3 and probably should take Ian home. "Well, I guess your punishment is over." Lucy put the book back on the shelf. "Finally!" Ian rushed to the door. As Lucy walked towards the entrance of the library, a cute guy approached her. "Hey, you're Lucia, Karina's friend, right?" Lucy wondered how the guy knew that. "Yeah, do you I know you?" she asked. "You don't remember me huh? I'm Andres, Karina's older brother."Lucy stared at him for a minute until she remembered the Christmas Party 2 years ago. "Oh, hey. I didn't recognize you. I didn't know you came here." she smiled. "Yeah, it's been a long while since we saw each other. So, what are you doing here? Didn't you have school today?" he asked Lucy. "Yeah, Like 2 years. Oh yeah, I did, but I was stuck babysitting my brother. So I came here to do some reading." Lucy could not stop smiling. "Nice, um, do you want to get some lunch?" Lucy looked over at Ian who was waiting for her. "I love to but I actually have to get going." she replied. "Oh I see, well what about a movie instead, tomorrow night?" "I don't know maybe... I have to go." Lucy could not believe what just had happen. 

Ricardo and  I had spent the last two hours talking and slightly making out in his car. "I miss this sweetie." he told me. "I know, me too," I kept kissing him."Te quiero." he whispered in my ear."Yo tambien." I whispered. He held my hand, "I can't believe you won't be here for prom and grad night." he said. "Well, I have good news. I called the other day and told me that I could fly back home for Prom. Ricardo lean over and kissed me. "Okay, this time I really have get going." I open the car door. "Aw." Ricardo walked me over to my car, "So hey, I know that you're going to busy studying this weekend. So, I was thinking we should go the movies tonight?"I smiled, "That sounds like a great idea." I replied. My phone started to ring, I pulled out the phone from the bag and realize the call was from Diego. "Why did you ignore the call?" he asked me. "It's not important." I replied.
"Hey." Stephanie surprised Brenda as she stood staring at Ricardo and Reyna in the parking lot. "Are you okay?" Stephanie asked Brenda. Brenda turned around, "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Brenda tried to not show her feelings in front Stephanie, she didn't want to know the only reason that she was helping Stephanie was for her own benefit. "Erika and Patty are going to the mall, do you want to come with?" "Sure thing." she replied.   I didn't know why it was difficult for me to tell him that it was Diego that had called me. Ricardo grab me again by the waist and kissed me, then my phone began to ring again. "Babe, just answer it." he told me. "Okay."I took the call. "Hello." I answered it. "Reyna, where are you? I thought we were going to work on the project." "Oh yes, I forgot. Can we meet at 5, I have things to do." I said. "Okay, sure. I'll see you then. Hey, are you okay? You sound weird." Diego asked me. "I'm perfectly fine. Well see you then." I clicked."Who was it?" he asked me. "Um, Diego." I smiled. "I know, I shouldn't be talking to him but we have the economics project..."Ricardo didn't let me finished he held my hand and said, "I understand sweetie,I trust you." I smiled. I kissed him on the cheek. "We will probably be done by 7 so afterwards we could go to the movies." "Perfect, sounds like a good idea." We kissed.

"Why were you taking so long?" Ian asked his sister who was driving. "No reason." Lucy replied. "Come on, I saw you flirting with that guy." "So then, why did you ask?" she responded. Ian smiled.
Lucy never had time to be dating or rather she didn't want to because of her family situation. She felt like she had to take care of the house and her brother. "I just wanted to know what you would say." 

I drove to the store to get some things that I knew we would be needing for the project. As I looked around the store, I saw someone familiar stocking the shelves, "Daniel?" I walked over to see if it was him. "Daniel?""Hey sis." He continued stocking the items. "Daniel, I didn't know you worked here. I thought you said you work in a warehouse." He gave me a look. "I do but that's the other job." He left what he was doing and walked away. "Danny." "Sorry sis, but I have to keep working." There was something Daniel was not telling me, by the way he was talking and behaving towards me. I got the poster board and left.Karla walked over to the tutoring center at school. "Hey, Gustavo. Where's Lily?" Karla asked. "She's not coming in today." Gustavo was in charge of the school's tutoring center, "Don't worry, we have someone else for you." he responded. "I guess, that will have to do." Karla walked over to her usual table and waited for the tutor. Gustavo walked over to the back where Sergio was waiting for him. "She's here." Gustavo said. "Thanks for the favor." Sergio told Gustavo. "No problem." Sergio walked over to the table. 

"Hi Karla." Sergio smiled. "You must be kidding me." she replied. "What?" Sergio sat down in the chair next to Karla. "What are you doing here?" she asked. "My community service hours. I tutor once a week." Karla could not believe it, of all places, Sergio had to be here. "Oh, well, I guess you'll do." she responded. "Ouch." "Sorry. I need help with some problems in Pre-calculus. I have a test tomorrow." Karla took out her notebook from her bag, "Sure." Sergio took a look at her notes. "Oh, you have Ms. Obeso?" he said. "Yeah, how do you know?" "I had her last year and I recognize these notes. She's a bit tough huh?""A bit? Her class is tough. What grade did you get her class?" Karla asked. "B+" he said. "Not bad." she responded.Karla smiled. Sergio tried not to stared at Karla too much because he knew that she would notice. "Okay. let's get started."

I could not stop thinking about Daniel and wondered what he was hiding. I parked the car in the driveway and as I drove in, I saw something unusual. I walked over to the backyard and realize that there were people checking out the small room we had. "Mom, are we selling the house?" I asked her.
She smiled.
- No, cariño, me decidí a alquilar la habitación. Necesitamos el dinero. La gente va a venir este fin de semana para revisar el lugar.
- Oh, mamá, si usted tiene problemas con el dinero, yo podría ayudarle.
- No, no te preocupes por eso. Con el dinero del alquiler será suficiente.
I  smiled.I looked over at the people who were looking at the small house at the back and wonder who would be our new neighbors. After staring out the window, I walked up to my room to get started on some assignments I still had to complete by tomorrow, "Let's hope my dad is not home yet." I told him. "I don't think so." Ian replied as he took out his bag from the back. Lucy turn the key from front door, "Lucia eres tu?" "Tia Elena, is that you?" she asked. "Yeah, sweetie, your dad called me over, your mom had an accident, she's at the hospital." Lucy started to freak out. "What happen?" she asked her aunt as she approached them by the door. "She fell down the stairs. Let's go. I'm taking you guys there." Lucy could not believe what was happening.  

After an hour of tutoring, "Thanks for the help." Karla gathering her things, "No problem." He replied. Karla smiled and walked out, Sergio went after her, "Hey, it's late, let me give you a ride."
Karla looked away, "Okay, I get it. You don't like me that way. It's just a ride." Karla thought about Sergio's offered, the sky had already darken and she knew she could not walk home alone. "Okay." she smiled. It was getting late and I had to tell my mother about Diego's surprise visit to the house, but I couldn't bear to have yet another argument about it, so I tried to ease it to the conversation. "Hey mom, do you need help?" I asked her. "No, estoy bien." she responded. I walked over to the sink to wash my hands, "Segura, I love helping you." I smiled. "Start the lettuce." she said.After 3 minutes of silence,
- Ma, tengo que decirte algo y es sobre Diego.
She looked at me, and before she could say anything,
-Diego y yo tenemos un proyecto para la clase de economía. Invité a Diego a la casa para que pudiéramos trabajar en él.
- Esta bien.
I gave her a look. "Are you okay with it?" I asked her. "Yes, pass me the lettuce."
"Well, he'll be here any minute now, okay." I told her. "Okay."
Lucy and Ian arrived to the hospital. "Kevin, have they told you anything?" Elena had asked Lucy's father. "Not really, she's still the same." Lucy stared at her father and wondered if he had anything to do with it. In the last couple of days, her mom and dad had been arguing more than usual and this would not surprise her if it was her dad's fault. "She is going to die?" Ian asked my aunt. "I hope not sweetie." she said to him. Lucy kept insisting the nurses to keep updating about her status but there wasn't any. 

"Thanks for the ride." Karla open the car door, "Karla, I'll wait for you until you're ready." Karla smiled. "I'm serious. I like you and I know you like me to but for a strange reason you don't want to admit it." Karla could not stop smiling. She turned around. "Okay, bye." I had finished prepping the table for dinner when the door bell rang, I peaked over to the window to see how it was. "I'll get it." I rushed to the door. "Hey, you're early." I greeted him. "Didn't you say at 5?" he asked me. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Come in."I smiled. "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit." Diego said as he walked into the living room, "Yeah, so Diego, we're about to have dinner, do you want to join us?" I asked politely. My mother walked into the room, "Hi Diego." she smiled. "Buenas noches." he responded.
-Diego, ¿quieres unirte a nosotros para cenar?
Diego and I looked at each other,
-No, gracias, no quiero ser una molestia.y
-No te preocupes por eso, Diego, ven y sientate con nosotros.
My mom grabbed another plate from the cabinet. I didn't understand my mother's sudden strange behavior. "What was that about?" I whispered as she served the food. "Sweetie, take the lemonade out from the fridge," My mother ignored the question.
Lucy sat down next to her brother who was worried. "Everything is going to be okay." The doctor walked in the waiting room, "The status of Mariana has changed, she's in coma." 
No. She can't be. Lucy tried not to panic for Ian's sake, she tried to remain calm; Elena went to speak to the doctor to get more specifics about her status. 

Ricardo was at Stephanie's house for the last practice before Stephanie's sister's 15. "Ah,,, I keep missing the last step." Ricardo told Stephanie. "You'll get it."she laughed. "I know, but we've been practicing for week, I should have learned it by now."he reply. Stephanie just stared at him."What?" he asked. "Nothing." Stephanie laughed. "Okay, now, why are you laughing?"he asked her as he did the move. "You can't dance. Does Reyna know this about you?" she replied. Ricardo stared at Stephanie. "I could dance, I'm just rusty." he smiled. Stephanie laughed. "Sure... you can." After dinner, I took Diego back to the living room, "Sorry for the 20 questions." I smiled. "Nah, it's okay." he laughed. "I don't know what has gotten into her."I said. "Reyna, it's okay." he smiled. After a few moments of awkward silence, we moved ourselves to my father's den, where I decided we would have more room to work on the project. "Wow, I haven't been in her since I was 12." I told him. "Are you sure you want work in here?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm sure. I use to come in here when I was kid, especially those nights when the thunderstorms would occur. My father would always be in here working; he would leave what he was doing and hold me tight." Memories came flowing back; memories that i have not thought about in ages. "Reyna, are you positive you want to be in here?" I ignored his question and started to dust off the desk that was covered with dirt. As I was doing that, I wondered why my mother would left my father's den, did she had hope that my father would come back? I placed my laptop in the desk and we began working.

"Done!" Stephanie took of her heels and placed them in the couch. "Stephanie, um, I've been wanting to talk you... it's about after the party on Saturday." Ricardo had no easy way to say this but he had to, "Sure, what's up?" Stephanie grab a water bottle from the table."I think we should stop hanging out with each other and maybe stop talking to each other." Stephanie spit the water that she had in her mouth. "What?" she looked at Ricardo. "Yeah, don't you think it's bit strange that two ex's who are in relationship hangout?" "Yea but, I thought we made it work." Stephanie replied. "So, Oscar doesn't mind you hanging out with me?" Ricardo asked her but Stephanie didn't answer. "He has no idea you've been hanging out with me, does he?" "No." Stephanie replied. "How come?" he asked. "Okay, you got a point. But you've never had a problem with this before, why now? Is it because of Reyna?" Stephanie asked. "A little bit."An hour had passed. Diego and I tried to keep our distance from each other but we would end up in a kissing distance from each other. I tried not to look him in the eyes because whenever I stared in his brown eyes, I had urge to kiss him. Before my inner self did something stupid, I stood up from my seat, "We need a break. I'll get us some water and a snack." I approached my mother about her behavior during dinner,
-Madre, ¿cómo pudiste? Hiciste Diego se sienta incómodo.
-Reyna, me he dado cuenta de algo en ti en las últimas semanas y no se trata de la escuela, es Diego, ¿verdad?
I took two waters from the fridge, "No." I lied. Apparently my feelings for Diego were transparent and my mother noticed. "Mom, I can't talk about this right now." "Reyna, you need to face your feelings now." I ignored her last comment even though she had a point.
"Sweetie, let's go home." My aunt told her. "I don't want to leave her." Lucy replied. "She's going to be fine. You can visit her tomorrow." she said. "You and Ian will stay with me tonight, okay?" she told us. "Thanks Tia." Lucy replied. 

"So, I practically finished it. I just need your board of approval." I smiled. "Really, you finished it?" I asked. "Yeah, you seem surprise." he said. "Well..." I said. I looked over the report and the graphs, "This actually looks pretty good." I told him. "Hey, you know that I'm smart too." he said. "I didn't say anything." I smiled. "I think we're done." I told him. I grab my phone from the table, "It's getting late, I should go." Diego gathered his things and I walked him to his car. "So, I'll print out the report and you just make sure you just show up." He laughed. "Sounds good."Ricardo arrived to Reyna's house to see Diego and her talking outside the gates. Instead of approaching them, he decided to remain in the car. "Well, this is it."I told him as he got to his car, but before he could open the door, he turned around to face me and said, "Reyna. I wish you the best with Ricardo. I see that he makes you really happy, I hope that one day I'll find someone like you." Before he could go on, I reached out my hand and got his arm, "I really do hope that you find someone else, Diego you're a special guy." I grinned. I got a bit closer to him, we both stared in each other's eyes for the last time and then something strange happen, we both leaned over and kissed. Not just a regular kiss but a kiss letting my feelings out for him. After 1 minute of passion, I pulled back, "I'm sorry." I just walked away. I could not believe what I had done in that moment; I literally cheated on Ricardo again. Ricardo could not believe what he had just seen; he had a feeling that Reyna wasn't honest with him and just by the kiss he realize what it was. Ricardo could not talk or see Reyna; he just had to get out of there. While for Diego, he stood in the car for several minutes before he left.  

What did I just do? I asked myself several times. How could I do this to Ricardo and to Diego? I thought. I rushed in the house and close the door behind me. I rushed up to my room and locked the door and began to cry.

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