Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Beginning of the End

In my mind there were only two things that focus my attention, one providing for my family and second would be school. Whenever I engage myself in a relationship I would tried to balance it off like how I did with Diego but with Ricardo it was a different story. I gave priority to my education rather than my social life particularly my relationship with Ricardo. Why didn’t I break up with him you may ask yourself, the thing was that I really liked Ricardo and how he made me feel when we were outside the classroom. But when we were in school, I was a different person towards him which lead us to distance ourselves. 

On the way home, Lucy stopped to the gas station, “Do you want anything?” she asked me. “I’m okay.” I remained in the car while she went to pay inside the store, I couldn’t believe what had occurred with my admission to USC. Why did they revoke their offer for me to attend to USC?
     “What are you thinking about?” Lucy asked me.
     “What am I going to do now?” I asked Lucy.
     “About the USC thing, maybe it’s a mistake. You need to call tomorrow.”
     “That’s what I’m planning to do.” I replied.
I can’t wait to see you tonight- Alfredo
Karina put down her phone and started to get ready for her first date with Alfredo. A part of her knew it was wrong not telling him the truth but the other part didn't care. After her fail relationship with her ex, Karina thought she would never met anyone else. 
As I was about to get off the car, “Wait, we still talk about the whole Diego thing.” I turned to her, “I know what you’re going to say.” I open the car door, “I saw that hug you gave Diego…” she said. “I told you he was helping me deal with the news.” Lucy always watched my back especially after Diego, she knew better than me what I was feeling. “Reyna, it was more than that, just tell me the truth for once.” She told me.I know if I didn't confess the truth to her Lucy would continue insisting talking about this, so I decided to confessed to her my unsolved feelings for Diego but also I confessed how I was falling in love with Ricardo and it was killing me not being able to spend time with him.
      “I know it’s crazy.” I told her. “I’m willing to completely shut Diego out of my life for the sake of Ricardo.”
      “How are you planning to do that?”
      “Well, I was thinking if I decided to go to UCLA, Ricardo and I can start over.”
      “Wait, so you would give up USC for him?”
I thought about she asked me, at first I denied the possibly but now that I know that I’m falling for him, what better way to spend my college years with. Falling in love may be a once in a lifetime opportunity and I didn’t want my chance to go away. Anyways I could always attend USC for my masters.
      “Yes.” I smiled.
      “You need to tell him how you feel.” She said.
I grab my phone from my bag and texted him. 
Ricardo grab his bag from the bench, “Hey are you coming?” Luis asked him, “Yeah.” He took out his phone and realized he had several texts from Stephanie and Reyna.
Message 1 (7:15pm)
Ricardo, I need to talk you. – Reyna
Message 2 (7:30pm)
Ricardo, where are you? – Reyna
Message 3 (7:45pm)
Please come by the house after the game. I need to talk to you.” – Reyna
“Yo Luis, you guys go ahead.” Ricardo didn’t bother reading Stephanie’s messages, Ricardo grab his bag and drove to Reyna’s house.

“I’m on my way. - Ricardo.
I rush downstairs, “Mom, Ricardo is coming by okay.” My mom looked at the time, “Mija, it’s late.” She told me. “Just for a few minutes.” I told her. “Okay, fine.” Sometimes I felt like my mother didn't like Ricardo by the way she express herself whenever I spoke of him or the way she treats him when she came over the house. I heard a car pulling up to the drive way, I look out the window it was Ricardo. I went up to my room to fix my hair.  Ricardo parked the car and open the door. As he was about to get out the car, his phone kept ringing, it was his alarm but as he turned it off he saw he had a new message. I saw them at the library afterschool- Stephanie
And attached with message was a picture of Diego and Reyna hugging. Instead of confronting Reyna about what he found out, he got back in the car and drove away. It’s been over 10 minutes, I open the door but there was no sign of Ricardo anywhere, I swear I saw his car, I thought. “Que pasó?” my mom asked. “I don’t know.” I called him several times but he never answered. “Creo que no va a venir.” I told my mom. 

"Adónde vas?" Karina's mom asked her as she opens the front gate. 
"Voy a cenar con un amigo." Karina replied. 
¿A qué hora vas a volver? her mother asked.
“Antes de las 11 en punto” Karina replied.
“Está bien, pero tenga cuidado” her mother told her as she gave her the sign of the cross. “Okay mami.” Karina walked over to Alfredo's car. Karina's parents were not that strict with her after their divorced when she was a little girl, they would spoil her with everything she wanted and would not say much when she would be out at late hours. But as the good girl that Karina was she respected the hours she told her mom. 
    "Hey." she said as she got in the car. 
    "Wow, you look amazing." he said.

Rather than drinking alcohol, Ricardo decided he needed something to calm him so he drove to the little coffee place that was near Stephanie’s house. He walked in and order a mocha frappe and sat down. He could not stop looking at the picture, Unbelievable, he thought. 10 minutes later, Stephanie showed up, “Ricardo, hey.” “Thanks for coming.” He said. “No problem, what happen?” Stephanie sat down across from him. “Do you want anything?” he asked. “No, I’m good.” She replied.

“I cannot believe this is happening. Why can’t she just be upfront about her feelings?” he told Stephanie. “Ricardo, I think I might have misread what was happening, I saw them working on their project.” She said. “Yeah, but why were they hugging.” Ricardo grab Stephanie’s hands.
Melissa walked in the coffee shop with her friends, and she glanced over to find a place to sit. She glanced over to the window, she saw Ricardo and Stephanie holding hands. “Wait, isn’t he dating Reyna?” Rebecca told Melissa. “Yeah…”

“I knew there was something going on when she pulled me away from the library earlier.” He said. “I think you should talk to her.” Stephanie suggested. “Stephanie, I’m tired of this, the whole situation Reyna and I.” Ricardo took a slip of his coffee. “What are you talking about?”

“I should break up with her.” Stephanie tried not to smile. “Oh, are you sure? I mean, you love her…” she replied. “Yeah, I think it’s the best for the both of us. I love her but she still has feelings for him, I can’t get in the way of that.” He said. “I think you should take a few days to think it over.” Stephanie added. Stephanie in the last couple of days had become the unconditional friend that Ricardo would rely on, she knew she got close to him she would find a way to terminate his relationship with Reyna. 

Wednesday, May 3
I laid in my bed for a few minutes before I decided to get up and get ready for school. I had a lot in my mind, exams, projects, my future and most importantly my relationship with Ricardo. I wanted to talk to him yesterday but he never showed up. 
"Good morning." I walk in the kitchen my mom had made breakfast. I grab a plate from the cabinet and served myself. "Buenos Dias." my mom greeted me with a smile and a hug. Daniel walked in, "Why are you up so early?" I asked. "I got a new job at David's dad's auto shop." he replied. My mom and I look at each other. "Congrats."

I open the car door, "Is there anything you want to tell me?" my mom asked me as I got in the car. "No, I'm just stressed out with school." I replied. The ride to school was a bit quiet than usual.
Before I could get off the car door, my mom told me, "Que tengas un buen dia." I smiled, "Gracias mom." Before I close the door, "Reyna, sé que tienes mucho en su mente con la escuela, pero también es importante para hacer frente a sus problemas personales." 

My mom was right, in order for me to get focus I needed to deal with the things that were on my mind. As I walked by the library, I saw Diego walking towards me, “Reyna, how are you feeling?” Diego asked me.“I’m okay.” I lied. How could I be fine if I got rejected from USC and apparently my future is set at UCLA? Before he could say anything, "Diego, I think we should just focus on finishing out project and that's it." I said. "Okay."  Lucy got my arm and pulled me away from Diego. “You need to stop.” she told me. “I know but it’s difficult.” “I know.” she told me, “So did you talk to Ricardo?” she asked. “No, I didn't." I told her. "But I will today." I added. 

Ricardo did not know how to face Reyna after knowing that she has been lying to him. He felt like he needed time and space to think things through before making a decision. "Hey, are you feeling better?" Stephanie surprised him as he got off his car. "Hey Steph, yeah, a little but thanks for asking." he replied. "I'm glad." Stephanie and Ricardo walked down the hallway. Melissa and Karina notice something suspicious between them. "You can't be friends with ex, or can you?" Karina asked Melissa. "I don't know, but I have noticed that they've been close these last couple of weeks." Melissa responded. 

General Wave Properties, such as wave speed, frequency, wavelength, superposition, standing wave diffraction, and Doppler effect the last unit in our Physics curriculum before our exam next week. "Are you ready for this?" I asked Fernando. "Ready, Ready, no. Are you?" he asked me. "A little bit." Class started. As the teacher was giving the lesson, my mind tended to swift away and think about Ricardo but I couldn't let myself get distracted and not now. The most horrifying thing that Ricardo was afraid of was that Reyna was still in love with Diego. He knew that if it was true, he would have to let her go whether or not he like the idea. As he stared over to the teacher, Melissa sat next to him, "Hi, Ricardo." she put her bag on the desk, "Melissa, hey, what are you doing here?" "My partner didn't come to class." she responded. Mr. Keaton handled each pair their daily assignment. "How are things between you and Reyna?" Melissa asked him. Ricardo took out his notebook from his bag, "Good, why do you ask?" Then out of nowhere Melissa asked him, "Are you cheating on her with Stephanie?" "What, of course not." he replied, Melissa didn't believe him. "Why is that I always see you two together?" she added. There was an awkward pause, " Stephanie is simply a friend and frankly the only person who has time for me." "If you're saying that because of Reyna, you have to understand that she's leaving in two weeks and has a lot to do. And you spending time with Stephanie is not helping, she feels you still have feelings for her." Ricardo did not expect what Melissa had told him. Ricardo could not get what Melissa had told him out of his head, Is it true what Melissa had said? he thought. After 2 minutes, he forgot what Melissa had told him and continued his work. I couldn't think straight, I stared at the textbook then back to the blackboard. "What is it?" Fernando asked me. "I don't understand it." I replied. I did not know what was going on with me, I have never been stuck on anything before.

After first period had ended, Fernando, Brenda and I were walking out the classroom when I saw Ricardo walking with Miguel. “See you later.” I left them and rushed over to speak to Ricardo. “Ricardo!” I caught up to him, “Hey, I was calling you.” I said as I tried to catch my breath. “Sorry, Miguel was talking to me.” I stop in front of them. “Miguel, do you mind if I could talk to my boyfriend for 2 minutes?” I asked. “Actually babe, I have to get to class early but let’s talk in lunch okay.” Ricardo walked away. His attitude was strange; I turned around and walked the other direction to get my English class. 

Karla and Gabby were walking over to their next class, "Karla, look Sergio is checking you out." Karla looks over where Sergio was standing. "No he's not. We're just good friends that been hanging out a lot." Karla responded as they kept walking to class.
      "I think he actually likes you and unlike that jerk face of Daniel." Gabby said. 
       "I know but I don't need a boyfriend right now." 
Gabby smiled. "Oh okay, what happen to Karla?" 
      "Gabby, I just realized that I don't need a relationship for someone to love me, I know I have my friends and my family who care for me and that's what counts." she said as they walked in the classroom. "What was that about?" Miguel asked Ricardo. "You totally ignored Reyna." Ricardo laughed. "Why would I do that?" he asked. "I don't know, what's wrong?" Miguel asked but Ricardo didn't answer. 

I had written my last in-class essay for my high school, Done, I said to myself. Then Ms. Linda approached to my desk and handled me an envelope, "What is this?" I asked her, "I submitted your work to the foundation of young writers and sent me this to give to you." Ms. Linda gave me an envelope. "I won!" I smiled. "Like I told you, you're a great writer." she smiled and walked back to her desk. I wish I could dedicate my life as a writer but I know I cannot. My future was set already, my career was to become a doctor. The bell rang, I stood up from my seat and went to thank my teacher for submitting my work.

After last night’s date, Karina felt it was time to tell Alfredo the truth, Lucy was right she could not start a relationship base on a lied. Maybe he’ll understand, Karina thought. “Hey.” Karina walked into the teacher’s lounge. “Hey.” Alfredo smiled at her. Before she could say anything, “I had an awesome time last night.” Karina smiled. “Yeah me too.” she replied. “Alfredo reached out for her hand, while Karina watched out no one would step in the lounge, “Can we talk?” Karina said. “Of course, about what?” he replied. Karina pulled away, the fear she would get caught didn’t let focus on what she wanted to say. “Not here, after school meet me in the parking lot.” Karina disappeared after a moment as she tried to sneak out the room; Ms. Narita approached her, “What were you doing in the teacher’s lounge Ms. Gutierrez.” Ms. Narita asked her. “I just looking for someone.” she smiled. “Nice one, but you have detention today after school.” Ms. Narita gave her a written slip. 

I waited for Ricardo to show up to cafeteria but he never showed up. "Where could he be?" I asked Lucy. I decided to go look for him, I really wanted to talk to him but as I walked towards the hallway I saw something. Ricardo and Stephanie were walking down the hallway laughing, for a moment I saw how they both got a long perfectly, I haven’t seen Ricardo been like that since we first started dating. Lucy was right I had taken a lot upon myself that I neglected Ricardo. I walked back to the cafeteria.
       “What happen?” Karina asked me.
        “He doesn't want to talk.” I said.
       “What makes you say that?” Lucy added.
      “I saw him hanging out with his friends including Stephanie.”
I felt like I was not good enough for him. “You know what I’m going to the library to work on some stuff.” The only way I could stop thinking about Ricardo was if I kept myself busy, so I went over to the library to study for my AP exams.
      “Reyna, wait up.” It was Diego.
      “Sorry Diego, I can’t talk right now.” I replied.
      “I know, but when are we going to finish our project.” He said.
      “Maybe I should finish the project by myself. Don’t worry I’ll give you credit to.” I responded as I walked in the library.
I took out my calculus homework and started to study for my AP exam that was next week. 
“Are you serious?” Ricardo asked Stephanie. “No kidding, he’s going to El Rodeo tonight, we should go.” She added. “How come you don’t take Oscar?” Ricardo asked. “He doesn’t want to go. Let’s go. Come on.” Ricardo stop in front of the cafeteria, he glanced inside to see if Reyna was there but she wasn't there. He took that as a sign. “Okay, let’s go.” He smiled. Little by little, Ricardo and Reyna were distancing themselves from each other. 

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